
Ash Wednesday Service

March 5, 7pm | Sanctuary

Join us for our Ash Wednesday service on March 5
at 7pm. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of
the season of Lent which is the 40 days leading to Easter. The service will include Holy Communion, the imposition of ashes, and everyone will receive a cross necklace. We will also be handing out our Lenten Devotional booklets at this service.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner

Tulsa Wesley Foundation Fundraiser | March 4, 5pm

Join us for the TU Wesley's first Pancake Dinner Fundraiser on March 4, 2025 from 5-7pm at University United Methodist Church (located at 2915 E 5th St, Tulsa, OK 74104). Pancakes are being provided by the Men’s Breakfast group from Faith! Tickets are $10/adult and $5/child (12 and under) in advance, and $15/adult and $10/child at the door. All proceeds go to support the mission and ministries of The Wesley Foundation at the University of Tulsa!

Order a Faith Shirt

Shirts can be ordered during the month of February | $15

We are taking orders during the month of February for more of our official Faith shirts. We ask volunteers to wear these shirts at many of our outreach activities like VBS, Night Light Tulsa, and Fall Fest. Shirts are $15 each. Please click the link below to order one. We will notify you when the shirts become available for pickup.

Faith Field Trip

Saturday, March 8, 9:45am | Circle Cinema

Join us on a Faith Field Trip to the Circle Cinema on Saturday, March 8 for a screening of a silent movie! As part of “2nd Saturday Silent”, the Circle Cinema will be showing The Big Diamond Robbery, a 1929 silent crime comedy film. After the movie we will have lunch at Calaveras Mexican Grill. The movie is free, but seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. Bring money for food. We will depart from the church at 9:45am. Email Pastor Seungrok or Judy Hammond if you would like to attend.

Blood Drive

Sunday, March 9, 8:30am-12:30pm | Great Hall

Every two seconds someone needs blood, and your donation will save someone’s life! Please help us provide blood for patients in our area hospitals during the Blood Drive on Sunday, March 9 in the Great Hall. We have 25 slots that need to be filled! Participants will receive a free shirt.

Lunch Bunch at Faith

Potluck & Fellowship | Thursday, March 6, 12pm | Youth Room

Join us for Lunch Bunch on Thursday, March 6, at 12pm in the Youth Room. Ken & Jill Osborn will share about their traveling adventures. The main dish of fried chicken will be provided. Bring a side to share. Contact Judy Hammond with any questions.

Camp Scholarships

During the month of March we hope to raise funds to help kids and youth attend summer camp at Camp Egan. The church helps pay a portion of the camp cost which enables more families to attend camp. If you would like to help, make checks payable to Faith UMC and put “Camp Scholarship” in the memo line, or you may pay online also noting “Camp Scholarship.” Click the link below to give online.

Communion Servers

We need volunteers each week to set up the Communion stations. We also need people to serve Communion each week at 9am service and on the first Sunday of each month in the 11am service. Training can be provided if needed. Click below to sign up.

Labyrinth Fundraiser

Order a custom tile to help raise funds for the labyrinth project

We are selling tiles as a fundraiser to help build our new Labyrinth on the south lawn of the church property. The tiles will be part of a retaining wall that surrounds the labyrinth. The tiles will feature your own custom text in black lettering in the official church font on a beige tile. Tiles can be ordered in a 4” x 8” or 8” x 8” size, along with an optional keepsake tile. Click the link below for more information on pricing or to order a tile today!