GIVING COMMITMENT Name: * First Name Last Name Address: * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Email: * Giving statement preference: I would prefer to receive giving statements by email, if possible Please select anticipated schedule: * Monthly (12 months) Semi-Monthly (24 weeks) One time gift Amount for individual transaction: * This should be the amount for an individual transaction. For example, for a $500 a month donation, put 500 in the box below. Total operating fund commitment for this year: * This should be the total amount for the year. For example, for a $500 monthly donation, put 6000 in the box below ($500 x 12 months = $6,000) Thank you for your commitment to Faith United Methodist Church. If you have any questions regarding giving, contact our Financial Secretary J Farmer at or (918) 252-1679 x102