What is Exodus House?

Exodus House offers ex-offenders a healthy, nurturing and accountable environment to begin their life again. It is a residential program established for the purpose of equipping released people and their families to become productive, self-supporting, cohesive family units. From 2015 to 2021 the recidivism rate was 3.1% for graduates from the Exodus House program.  This can be compared to an estimated state rate of 21% and federal rate of almost 50% offenders who return to jail within five years.

How is our church involved?

We have renewed our commitment to sponsor one or two residents in one of the 10 apartments located here in Tulsa. We will have volunteers help set up the basic apartment. This includes cleaning supplies, towels, shampoo, bed sheets, pillows, and bedspread, just to name a few.  This is done in coordination with the site director, who lives on campus.

The resident occupies the apartment for 6 months, finds a job, attends a 12 step Christian renewal program, AA or NA meetings, has weekly sessions with the Site Director/Case Manager and participates in a savings program to create a nest egg for relocating to more permanent apartment. When the resident moves to a permanent apartment, he or she can select furniture from the Exodus storage unit. The actual furniture in our apartment stays with the apartment.

The more important activities deal with social support, invite them to attend Faith UMC church activities, church services, and Sunday school classes.

How can our congregation participate in this mission?

  • Donate furniture, appliances and TVs for storage until a resident graduates and moves to their own apartment. The Exodus staff will pick up your donations. Call Michael Thomas, Tulsa Site Director at 918-231-4013 or michael@cjamm.org for donation arrangements. 

  • Join the Faith Exodus team to assist in transportation, potlucks, social support, etc.

  • Know of any companies that hire folks working on a second chance? Contact Michael Thomas!

  • Be sure to “friend” Exodus House Tulsa on Facebook.

  • The new Cornerstone SS class is assisting in setting up the initial apartment but this is a church project and all are welcome to be a part of this mission.  

If you have questions and/or would like to participate, please contact Myra (918-801-2726, myra.noteboom@gmail.com), Ken Noteboom (918-801-2725, knoteboom@aol.com), or Dawn Elmore (918-289-5951, dawn@boxbrokers.com)


Myra & Ken Noteboom

Exodus House Liaisons

Contact info above