An update from Pastor Heather

Yes, it is Pastor Heather this week, because Pastor Charla is on a retreat for some much needed restoration and reflection.  We made a video recently to talk about ways you can nurture your spirit during this difficult time.  One of the ways we encourage you to seek the the Holy is with time away and silence.  We would not be good leaders if we did not practice the very things that we ask you to do.  This season has been a difficult one on mental and spiritual health for all of us and we hope these resources will prove to encourage you for soul care.  

This weekend is special in so many ways.  On Friday, the Thrift Store will be having their ribbon cutting and grand opening at 1:30 pm.  Because Glenpool is having a city-wide garage sale on Saturday, it seemed like the perfect time to celebrate our opening.  On Sunday, we will participate in a tradition that began in 1933 as World Communion Sunday where Christians all over the world celebrate the Last Supper on the same day.  It is a beautiful tradition that binds us together with the Body of Christ worldwide.  Please make sure you have your Communion elements ready for worship on Sunday.  If you are present with us on campus, we will provide you with what you need or you may bring your own.  Don’t forget to Save-a-Seat in the sanctuary!

Also, on Sunday we are having a very special service called “Blessing of the Animals” in the North parking lot at 1:30 p.m.  We invite you to bring your pets as we celebrate the special relationship between creation and ourselves.  We will circle up around the fountain and participate in some liturgy and prayer and then I will individually bless every animal.  Please bring your friends on a leash or in a carrier for the safety of everyone. This service has it’s history in remembrance of Saint Francis of Assisi’s love for all creatures. 

Lastly, I want to encourage you to join one of the new groups that is starting in October if you are not already participating in a Bible study or small group.  Wyatt is facilitating another “Sinners & Skeptics” Zoom group where discussion of faith matters and theology have no bounds.  They use the “Story of God” series to jump into the discussion each week on Zoom.  This time we are asking people under thirty-five to join the group for six weeks.  Also, I am thrilled to start “Hiking with Heather” again with two groups.  The first one will be for beginners and those who want to stay shorter than two miles on their hike.  It will meet at 9:00 am on Saturdays.  The advanced hiking group will meet at 10:00 am and do five to seven miles each week.  The Boyd’s have agreed to lead a parenting group that will be starting soon as well.  They have four children of their own and have selected a wonderful resource that teaches families to incorporate their faith into their daily lives.  I have used this curriculum and loved it so I know you will too.  

I ask you to pray for me for this exciting and busy weekend as I pray for you. I am so pleased to be on this journey with you and am honored to be one of your pastors.  For those of you hoping to have your flu shot at Faith this year, we were unable to schedule a safe way to host this event. We pray you find a resource that will guard your health and provide you with what you need.  

Rev. Heather

Hannah Phillips