Charge Conference Invitation

Dear friends, it is that time of year again — Charge Conference. Our regular items of business will once again be before this gathering for approval: slate of elected leadership for 2021 and the pastors’ salaries. In addition, we’ll be voting on continuance of our candidates in the ordination process: Hannah Phillips and Stacy Reaves. And, we’ll be voting on continuance of those who are certified lay speakers among us. If you would like to attend our Charge Conference (which will be held online through Zoom on Nov. 8, 1:30 pm), please click here to register. The Charge Conference is open for anyone in our congregation to attend. Voting membership will be our Ad Council. Since we need to hold this meeting online for safety’s sake, we are asking you to register so you’ll receive a reply email with the link, Meeting ID and passcode to get online with us on Nov. 8.

Kent, Amanda, and Shaun Ayers and Lena Davidson

Kent, Amanda, and Shaun Ayers and Lena Davidson

Celebrate with us that we received four people into membership with us after our digital/virtual Welcome Lunch on Oct. 18! You’ll see the pictures of our newest members below: Kent, Amanda and Shaun Ayers and Lena Davidson. We are looking forward to Shaun’s baptism in the near future. A special shout out to Suzanne Stevenson who joined us online to share about our life together, from a member’s perspective. We had Panera delivered to their doorstep and then we all hopped on Zoom for an hour of introductions and conversations.

Next Sunday, Nov. 1, is All Saints’ Day. (It is also Daylight Savings Time, so don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour). It is our tradition to honor those who have passed away during this last year: Oct. 2019 to Oct. 2020. Submit your names — loved ones, family members, friends — of those we will name together in worship on Nov. 1 at 11:00 am. Use this link to share those names with us. We’ll also share in Holy Communion on this special Sunday, so if you are worshipping online, have your Communion elements ready…and send us the names we will share together during our worship service.

As I’m sure you are aware, the pandemic loss continues to spread and deepen. Our hospitals are reaching critical capacity. A few weeks ago, I reached out to a few area hospitals offering our prayer shawls. I thought they might be helpful for families who cannot be with loved ones who are sick, particularly in the ICU. Families could offer a prayer over the shawl which could then be taken into the patient’s room. I also thought they might bless the hospital staff which are surely exhausted and in need of a reminder that we are praying for them. Because of Janet Potts’ trust level with the hospital administrators at Ascension St. John’s, it looks like we will be allowed to provide shawls as a gift. Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available. I’m hopeful we’ll have a long-term relationship to provide this amazing gift to those who need it most.

Lots to celebrate this week, Faith! So proud of the Christ-centered servants you continue to be. I’ll see you online for worship Sunday morning and at Trunk-or-Treat later Sunday afternoon, if you feel safe to join us. Park in the west lot and join us for a one-way trip through the treat filled trunks along the north fence.


Pastor Charla

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