Some Good News | Feb 19

Good morning, Faith! We haven’t seen snow in a few days and today, the temperature might actually make it above freezing. Amazingly enough, the forecast for our observance of Ash Wednesday is 50’s with a strong southerly breeze. I’m sad we couldn’t gather to share this holy experience on the actual day, Feb. 17. But, in a year when literally every activity we engage requires flexibility and a rapid pivot, why should Ash Wednesday be different? So, we will join together on Wednesday, Feb. 24 at 7:00 pm to prepare our hearts for the Lenten journey. If you want to join us in the sanctuary, please reserve your seat ahead of time. We are at half capacity right now. There is still room for more if you want to join us in person.

Of course, you are welcome to join online too. We’ll be livestreaming the service on our three channels: Facebook Live, YouTube, and our website. Check out our Lent page on the website for information about Ash Wednesday and the many other ways we have for you to travel the Lenten journey.

Today, I want to focus on the gift we receive as more and more people are vaccinated. I’ll be receiving my second shot this afternoon. I was scheduled to receive it on Wednesday, but the weather prevented that. I feel so grateful for this gift of protection that not only keeps me safe, but also helps me keep you safe when we are together. A few weeks ago, I asked some of the medical professionals in our congregation to help us understand the public health impacts of vaccination. I also asked them to speak from their expertise about how vaccination impacts our personal health. I’m grateful to Alan Martin, Bev Burk, and Lisa Ducket for taking the time to share this with you.

So, Lent has begun, in spite of our weather delays. We are excited to share our Lenten sermon series, Sunday School lessons, and a special weekly video devotion following our theme, “In the Garden.” This year, we’ll travel with the seasons. We began in the deepest stretch of winter we’ve experienced in many years. The road to the cross will lead us to blooms, colors, life, and blue skies when Easter arrives on April 4. Come with us, Faith!

I’m excited about what we’ll be sharing in the coming weeks. We’ve been working on our plans for Holy Week -- what it means to observe our special traditions during a pandemic. You can expect it to look different than it did last year, but not quite like it did the year before that. By next week, we should be ready to give you the details. Know this -- we are planning both an outdoor service and worship in our sanctuary for Easter morning. We’re going to bring the big wooden cross in for Good Friday and make a way for you to safely nail your sins to the cross this year before it is raised and set in place on our chancel. And, we have ordered a special set of critters to accompany us through this season.

Our Crisis Management Team is working through recommendations to bring to Ad Council, meeting Feb. 28, regarding a re-entry process. I expect to tell you more about that next Friday and to bring you details the week following our Ad Council meeting. We are so blessed by the continual decline in new cases of COVID-19 in our state and city. Still, people are still losing their lives to this virus daily. The conversations about how we keep each other safe and provide the spiritual connection we find better when we are among each other -- those are lively conversations. All those in leadership, both staff and laity, covet your prayers for us as we set our sights on the next phase of life together.

Lenten blessings,
Pastor Charla

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