The Work Has Begun

Happy New Year dear ones, 

I want to start by saying Thank You to everyone who donated to the staff Christmas love offering. Your generosity was noticed and deeply appreciated. We are blessed to have such a wonderful congregation to serve along side.

My first week as Senior Pastor has been a busy one.  We hosted the Administrative Leadership kick-off for the first time since the pandemic begin.  It was a wonderful time of fellowship and reflecting on what we do well and what we hope for the future of our congregation.  Erin Vierthaler (our new Ad Council chair) spoke so eloquently about her journey to this congregation and how the values of this church have informed her faith.  She reminded everyone that as leaders that they need to shift from thinking about their own wants to thinking about what is best for the whole church.  Our new Lay Leader, Alec Davis, shared from his work experience about change management and how important that it is to have open communication in order for us to navigate our work in a healthy manner.  

We created a survey of the elected leaders and their responses were shared with everyone.  Surprising me was the choice for “the most significant internal ministry at Faith” of the youth ministry.  As someone with twenty years in youth leadership experience I was so pleased to see how we value this ministry and I pray we give to support this ministry in a way that continues to transform young lives.  The choice from our leadership for “most significant external ministry” was our newest mission “Food: Body and Soul” mobile food bank.  Our volunteers pick up, sort and deliver food to over sixty families.  This ministry started during the pandemic and has only grown over the last two years.  We celebrate Dan Wilson for his vision and leadership in this. 

Kendra Day (Christ Centered Service Director) and Jonathon have finished the annual end of year Missions Report that celebrates the time, money and hours that you have given in service for 2021.  You can pick one up off the Connect Wall on Sunday.  The numbers are amazing! 

In worship we will celebrate the arrival of the Wise Men to encounter the baby Jesus and talk about choosing a new way after encountering Christ.  This day is called “Epiphany” and means “the grasp of something striking.” We will also be commissioning and blessing the elected Administrative leaders who met this last week. I ask you to pray for them and the work they do on God’s behalf.

Lastly, we need your help to take down all the beautiful Christmas decorations and pack them away for next year.  If you are willing to serve, we will begin at 1:30 pm.  

I look forward to journeying with you into this new year with hope in our hearts. 


Faith Tulsa