Make Room

Well, December has begun and we are firmly entrenched in Advent. This year our theme is Make Room: Housing the Holy and we are inviting you to Make Room in your hearts and lives for the things in this season that are Holy. So often December is a mad rush of meeting expectations that create stress and anxiety. Rarely do we allow ourselves the peace and stillness to open a channel to God for listening and discerning. I invited you in my sermon last week to repent of the things that weigh you down and let go of the shame and unworthiness that you have carefully nurtured. Allow room in your spirit for new things- things like forgiveness and grace and hope.

This week we tackle the message of making room at the table and recognizing God’s abundance in our lives. As we listen to, yet another prophet from the Biblical text, we are called back to seeking God’s ever present light in the darkness. And doesn’t it get dark early now! Most evenings when I leave the office it is dark and feels like I have been at work forever. Have you noticed how much easier it is to feel sleepy by 6:30 due to the darkness? We spend much more time inside during this season and I wonder how much of that time has been filled with the mundane rather than intentional valuable time.

We are offering a new in-person class in January on Wednesday nights called “Undistracted” that will help refocus our purpose and joy. It is based on Bob Goff’s newest book and Todd Osborne will be teaching that group. The other new Wednesday night class is called “Restored: Finding Redemption in Our Mess.” And it’s goal is to help us navigate the messiness of our lives and seek restoration of our spirits. These adult classes will meet at the same time as the children and youth resume.

Don’t forget we have a special schedule on Dec. 18th with only one service at 10 am for our special Cantata Reimagined. You will hear music raised in song by our children, youth, bells, praise team and choir! Our Blue Christmas service will be on Dec. 21st and the grief group has helped create this service. Christmas Eve traditional candlelight service will be at 6 pm and on Christmas morning we will gather for one service at 10am.

I am looking forward to this journey with you,

Faith Tulsa