Good News, Bad News

Let’s start with the bad news. We will not have any heat in the building on Sunday. As we know, all the people will create heat and the temperatures will be in the 50-60’s that day. So we should be fine. Due to a pressure check of the gas lines, four leaks were detected on exterior pipes and the plumber should be here today to repair those. We can’t have the lines pressure checked again until Monday and the the gas should be turned back on Tuesday. We knew that you would not want to gather in a building with gas leaks.

Good news is that the leaks are all outside and there were so few of them. I have to confess to being worried that hundreds of leaks might be detected because we have such a large building and campus. More good news is that we can simply wear more clothing to stay warm. Everything else in the building should work just fine. We can weather this in joy because it is such a small inconvenience. And we can always drink warm beverages to help.

You may have noticed on social media that we are also in need of Nursery Workers. We need at least three more people to cover all the ways that we care for our youngest. If you know someone who loves kids, is looking for a little extra income or just wants to hold the babies, please reach out to Linda about helping. These are paid positions and the hours are flexible. Keeping our youngest safe is a valuable task and we hope for the very best people to serve in this way.

I also want to mention the horrible events that have happened in Israel. The Tulsa community is banding together with our Jewish neighbors for a vigil on Sunday. If you would like to attend this event, you must preregister here. The gathering will be at 4:30 p.m. at the Jewish Federation building off of 71st Street. This will be a time a lament and solidarity for our community. We are also asking everyone to pray. Pray for everyone involved in this war and especially those caught in the terror who are innocent. Our world is weary and another war will continue to hold us all captive in horror. I can not fathom how awful it must be in either of the war torn areas around the world on this day.

Lastly, I want to say thank you to those of you who have reached out in kindness for Pastor Appreciation. ( I didn’t even realize this was a thing.) Our SPRC committee has met this week to do Pastor Seungrok and my annual reviews. They have asked to keep us both at Faith and we are very happy about this. We both love serving such a vital and wonderful outward focused congregations.

Much love,

Faith Tulsa