
Last Sunday we celebrated the birth of the church from Acts 2 and Pentecost. This miracle was the Holy Spirit descending on all the people gathered together and each was able to understand in their own language. Pastor Kim spoke to the nine o’clock service by welcoming them in Korean. At the eleven o’clock service Cali Ortega sang to us in Spanish. I taught both services a Greek word “Ecclesia” which means “People called to something” and a Hebrew word “Ruach” meaning “spirit, breath, wind.”

For the next three weeks we will explore what it means to be the church, these people called by God to be something more. What does that mean exactly? The scriptures will guide us with illustrations and expectations from Paul and the prophets. I want you to ask that question of yourself “What does it mean to be the church?” What things pop into your head when you hear the word church? Are they negative or positive? How do you represent the church in the world? I look forward to exploring these theological concepts with you.

I also want you to add some dates to your calendar. We have started planning the Block Party for August and it will be Friday August 11th. I will be creating a sign up sheet for volunteers after we are finished with VBS but I wanted you to save the date. I also want to encourage the women to put September 22-24th on their calendars for the Women’s Retreat to Camp Egan. It is one of my favorite events of the year and my mom comes with me.

Speaking of Camp Egan, several of us will be leaving on June 11th to spend the week with our youth at Camp Egan. I ask you to pray for all of us who will be attending this significant week in the valley with God. I have always thought of it as Holy space.

I hope to see you on Sunday. We are building decorations for VBS at noon so if you want to help, bring some clothes that you can get paint on and stay for a quick lunch. Email Linda to let her know that you will be helping and she will provide food for you.


Faith Tulsa