Wisdom for the Ages

What a wonderful Thursday for me! I returned from a short trip to Washington DC Wednesday with my husband and where we were able to see our youngest son, Paul. I ended Wednesday night laughing and talking with our newest young adult small group that DeRon leads. My Disciple class ran wonderfully as they shared the hard work that they had done in Bible study. And this morning, I had a lovely conversation with a 99 year old member, Dorothy Bruffett. My joy may have stemmed from having some time away but it also may have just been because I love visiting with the members of my Faith family.

This Sunday we are beginning a new series called “Wisdom for the Ages.” I have often been heard stating that as I age, I realize more and more all the things that I don’t know. I remember being 18-20 years old and being so self righteously sure about so many things. And now that I have more life under my belt, I realize that my world view is so limited. My experience so small. And yet, I wish that when I was younger that I knew some of the wisdom that I have accumulated over the years. We will be spending the month of September in the book of Ecclesiastes. This book is considered wisdom literature in the Bible. I have often read it at funerals and found it very appropriate. I invite you to spend some time in this book during the month of September as we explore the meaning of wisdom and what the Bible has to say about things that truly matter.

I also want to invite you to a new Tuesday night Zoom group for Care Givers. We have a lot of families attached to the congregation that have loved ones who care for them or we are giving care. It can sometimes take a toll on our souls and a drain on our spirits. This group is open to anyone who needs some encouragement or support as a Care Giver. It only meets on the first Tuesday of the month so it is worth making time for. Email Brittney Blakley here to receive a Zoom link to participate. Call her if you need help figuring out how to Zoom. You do not have to be a member of the church to join the group.

This Sunday we will be celebrating our CREATION SUNDAY! This is the exact date that was the first worship service 45 years ago. We have set up displays in the upper hallway for you to enjoy as we look back at the beginning of our beautiful church family.

Grace and peace,

Faith Tulsa