Blood Drive & Other Missions
I announced on Sunday that our annual Bedlam Blood Drive will be Sunday Sept 24th from 8:00 am until noon. We are inviting everyone to wear their favorite team colors to church that day. We have traditionally had 20 donors and hope to surpass that amount this year. The last two times that I have tried to give, my blood was rejected for low iron and I know others can not give due to medications that you may take. But for those of you who can give the gift of life for someone, I hope that you will sign up for a time slot here.
I also wanted to share with you that the mission committee served over 70 meals to the teachers and staff at our partner school Darnaby Elementary. We provided box lunches for them as a gift of encouragement and love as the new school year began. Did you know that we are always looking for volunteers at Darnaby? We have typically had folks read to the students but they are also needing math tutors as well. Every year during testing season they need folks to monitor every classroom as the students take their standardized testing. This is a wonderful place to serve and we have worked well with them for years. I understand that Tracy Brotherton gave a beautiful witness about her time serving at Darnaby to the Lunch Bunch last week. You can volunteer by calling the Darnaby school and talking to their counselor. You can also visit with the Shirleys who volunteer with them all the time for more details.
We have also been contacted to help with the Circle of Care fundraiser here in Tulsa. The Circle of Care is one of our favorite Oklahoma United Methodist missions. They have managed the Boys Ranch, the Children’s home in Tahlequah and the Francis Willard home in west Tulsa. They currently operate foster care homes for groups of siblings in the foster care system and Pearl’s Hope shelter here in town. They have invited us to serve at an event on Saturday September 30th at the Discovery Center next to the Gathering Place park. They need a total of 50 volunteers as they host families that day. Or you can take your kids or grandkids to the fundraiser and help by donating and playing together. Go here for details.
Last weekend a few of us went to the fundraiser for City Lights. They operate Night Light Tulsa which we have supported many times. They are now raising funds for a tiny house village and have the first house completed to be the model. I hope to go down and see it soon. Ruth and I also wondered allowed if we might like to build one of these as a local mission project. What do you think? That reminds me, in case you missed the announcement, we are now sponsoring an apartment with the Tulsa Day Center. We are literally providing a home for someone for one year.
There are so many wonderful ways that we are being the hands and feet of Christ in our community. I just wanted to make sure it was communicated for everyone to know what is happening. All these things would not be possible without you and your heart for being like Jesus. I am so proud to serve as your pastor.