
I recently went to a concert in a church of a folk singer who sings Christian music. I was surprised and delighted to discover that she had books of her poetry for sale. Most people would describe her as a musician with her 20th album just released. But it is actually the poetry that I didn’t know existed that I have enjoyed recently. I used one of the poems for my staff devotion and Mark liked it so much that he asked if he could share it with the youth. It reminds me that sometimes we limit ourselves or others by putting labels on them as one thing or another. The truth is that God has gifted us in many ways and we have the ability to share these gifts with our church, our community and the world.

I tell you this story as we embark on our Lent journey with all these new resources. I hope that you are participating with the devotionals provided for you. This devotion booklet has access to stories, poems and original music in addition to the typical scriptures and reflections. I encourage you to spend some time in thoughtful reflection using these different options for study. I also hope that you will find ways to express your self in thought or deed in this season.

Each of you also have gifts and graces that can be used for kingdom work. None of us are limited to just one gift. Those who are great with numbers can help with budgets for mission trips or volunteer for counting the offering. Those who have nice singing voices can be in the choir or sing a solo for special music. If you have the gift of friendly disposition, you could use that gift to help other people feel comfortable in a new situation. There are just so many ways to create a ripple of goodness and love in the world using the gifts that you have been given.

Sometimes we are the ones who limit ourselves. Our inner dialogue devalues us and says that we are not good enough. I invite you to lay that down and give that to God because you have been proclaimed worthy by Jesus. You have value as a forgiven and loved creation by the Holy. Now is the time to reflect and explore the ways that you have been uniquely gifted and how you can use those gifts. Please reach out to me if you need help finding a place to use those gifts. I want to lift up two of our members who have agreed to serve for non-profits in our area. Ruth Storts will be serving on the board for Restore Hope. Charlotte Langley will be serving on the board at the TU Wesley Foundation. Please pray for them as they serve and use their gifts beyond our walls for ministries that we are connected to in the community.

Additional prayers are requested for April Sellers-White who is a new member at Faith serving as the Lay Pastor of the new church plant in Owasso. That community has had a tragedy this month with the controversial death of a high school student. We also pray for our brothers and sisters at Boston Avenue UMC as they go through the transition to a new pastor with David’s retirement. Rev. Dr. Sam Powers is a wonderful man and a friend. I know that their church will be blessed by his ministry.

Share some grace,


Thinking About Camp


And Lent Begins