
On occasion, I have a night like Wednesday night where sleep is impossible. I got home after a long day of meetings about 8:30 pm. I saw the youth group at Josh’s and honked and waved but I was ready to get home and eat some dinner. My husband gets up really early every morning so he went to bed at 9:30ish and I got ready and laid down with a book. I finally fell asleep about 11 and then woke up at 2:35. I made sure not to look at my phone and laid in the dark until 3:30. Then I got up and tried some melatonin gummies but they did not quiet my mind and so I decided to take something off my to do list and rearranged the guest room and put clean sheets on that bed and then tried again to fall asleep. I know resting is good for my body even if I do not fall asleep. When I heard my husband moving around at 5:30 getting ready for work and I went out to help him by packing his lunch. I then decided to give up and come to work myself and get a jump on all the things keeping me awake.

You are probably thinking that it is the middle of summer and I shouldn’t have a million things to think about but I do. You see, we are trying to finalize the details for the fall classes and schedule. We have been choosing a theme and resources for Advent. Charlotte Langley and I are working on TU Wesley items. Rev. Steven Spradling and I met with some folks from Bixby excited about starting a new church. Our new billboards advertising Faith have contracts to sign and art to approve. I need to start recruiting some helpers to plan and organize the Block Party which will now be at the end of October. We need to get out the registrations for Faith Camp in September. I only have half of the volunteers that I need for the Ice Cream social and laid awake wondering who to ask to help. I just finished writing the letter to go out with our quarterly giving statements. I need to create leadership job descriptions and a labyrinth tile purchase form. And the list goes on and on.

I am thankful to have such an excellent staff to work along side and the assurance that the people of Faith will step up and step in the the many places where they can serve. I am also thankful that this insomnia is a rarity and I will make it through my day. Oh, and I should probably write a sermon!! This week I am tackling the Romantic Comedy genre. It should be fun.

I pray for all of you who are feeling overwhelmed and juggling life that sometimes feels like holding a hand grenade. Breathe deep, get some exercise and find a way to laugh. All of these things are good for soul tending. My grandmother used to say “This too shall pass.” It seems appropriate for this season in the life of our church.

Be brave out there!

Faith Tulsa