Nominations Season begins!

Yesterday I was wrapping up my work for the Nominations Team and I decided that I should write about what is going on in my blog. You see this new Simplified Accountable Structure has changed the way we operate in more ways than many people have wrapped their heads around. Each committee or Team that I work with has changed and we have spent much of this year learning how to do it correctly. I have found it to be much more intentional and clear about what we are asking people to do. It also sets clear boundaries around responsibility. As with anything new, it is getting easier the further that we go.

Nominations used to recruit people to fill all the committees of the church. They still do that but they are also tasked with training volunteers and leading visioning and goal setting for those leaders that they have recruited. This is a very different way to serve as a Nominations Team. So in order to do this work we have had to do some other things as well.

1) We needed to create job descriptions and expectations for those that we are asking to lead. (We did this for the Leadership Team last year since this was a new group that we had never had before.) So we just finished creating job descriptions and expectations for the Nominations Team and being a Ministry Team leader. Ministry Team leaders do all kinds of things like missions, VBS, Church Work Day, Teaching a class, etc. In this job description, we made a list of expectations for all leaders that include things like investing in the church with tithes or offerings, being present in worship at least twice a month and living out the mission of the church by serving in some way.

2) We made a list of people that we would like to invite to be trained and a list of people to ask to serve for the next three years.

3) We worked on the agenda for the Sept. 29th Leadership Training day. If you would like to come to this training, please register here. All are welcome to attend. Your name will go into the pool of possible leaders for the future at the end of our afternoon together. Lunch will be provided that day.

After we have gathered our new leaders, the Nominations team will then lead the staff and leadership in a goal setting and visioning process in November. At the end of that gathering, we should have 90 day, 6 month, 1 year and 3-5 year goals for our congregation. You can see the intentionality and accountability in this new model and I think that we will thrive in it as we come to understand it and live in to it.

I hope this helps you understand this new structure and how it helps us. I ask you to pray over this work as we seek those who will be committing to lead for the next three years. If you are asked to serve next, please read over the job description and pray for God’s leading. We have beautiful Godly work to do together!


Faith Tulsa