Butterflies! | March 5


Faith, I have something amazing to tell you! We are planning to hatch butterflies this spring. See this box? This is the butterfly cage and incubation space. We’re going to plant milkweed in the jars and then put the eggs inside...that become caterpillars...that make a chrysalis...that become butterflies!

We ordered a special box to hold this process. During the ice storm, it got lost in transit and we are still trying to track it down. Fortunately, we didn’t order the eggs or the milkweed yet. As soon as we can, we’re going to start this process. We’ll keep it in the narthex so we can watch together as this miracle occurs. But, isn’t that the coolest thing? I hope FedEx can help us locate our box soon. We’ll keep you posted.

The snow has now melted -- even the big piles in the parking lots. The sun is moving higher in the sky, softening that harsh angle when it hangs low in the south. In the deepest winter months, it shines directly through my home office window about 3:00 every afternoon. Ouch! The warm breeze also tells me spring is on the way, along with the buds on the ends of tree branches. It has been a real gift for Heather and me to watch Lent come alive among us. We are enjoying preaching this series, “In the Garden,” seeking to bring the seeds of our faith to flower as Easter approaches.

As more of you receive a vaccination, you are returning to the sanctuary for worship on Sundays. For those of us leading from the chancel, it always lifts our spirits to see you. We also remember and pray for the majority of people who continue to worship with us online. We always pray that you receive a blessing as you tune in with us. If you do choose to join us in the sanctuary, remember that our safety protocols are still in place -- regardless of vaccination status. Always wear your mask when inside the building. Keep six feet of distance between you and anyone not in your household. And, wash your hands frequently and/or use the hand sanitizer available throughout the building.

I hope you’ve watched the video you received in an email on Thursday. If you didn’t see it, click here and watch now. We are preparing for new expressions of church that will come as the pandemic lifts. It has been such a long time since we could safely share communal activities that kept our faith vibrant and alive. During this time of distance, some folks discovered our church. Likely, others have left. Remember just a few things as you anticipate what is next for us. First, the life of a congregation is fluid -- people are always coming and going. The amount of fluidity we’ve experienced over the last 12 months is much greater, for sure, but it is not aberrant. Second, we’ve been given many opportunities through an increased online presence. We don’t want to lose that as we begin to build our reimagined in-person opportunities. Third, expect a different feel when you return to our building. It feels odd not to hug people, only see people’s eyes, and not stand in the hallways to chat. Worship feels different too as we try to offer just as much engagement online as we provide to those in the room. If you are expecting it to feel different, it will be easier to notice what you like better. Most everyone I talk to tells me that they are surprised how much they like this thing or the other thing. Don’t be afraid to like what is different, even as you honestly grieve what we’ve lost.

Faith, we can hold the both. We’re Methodists. That is in our DNA. As Wesleyans, we are committed to a both/and approach, not either/or. We can feel both scared and reassured. We can feel both sad and hopeful. We can receive both challenge and comfort. As we live into the new expressions of our life together, let’s remember our mission, “Inviting people to Christ-centered service,” as we embrace the new ways we fulfill it.

Looking forward to the third Sunday of Lent,
Pastor Charla

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