Next Expressions | April 2

As this email lands in your inbox, I am opening the church, specifically the sanctuary, for you. Last night, our cross team brought in the huge cross we keep stored out behind the garage. They positioned it in the center aisle. From 6:00 am to 6:00 pm today, you are welcome to stop by for some quiet reflection and a chance to nail your black slip of paper to the cross. Please wear a mask and keep social distance. The altar rail will be open for your prayers. A staff member will be present in case you need assistance or would like someone to pray with you. You may stay as long as you wish. At 7:00 pm tonight, we’ll show the raising of the cross on our livestream. The service will be about 20 minutes in length and will end in silence.

On Easter morning, join us for one of our two services. At 10:00 am, Pastor Heather will lead a service in the pavilion at Turkey Mountain. Bring a chair/blanket, your mask, and sunglasses. Pastor Heather was out there with the team on Thursday morning. She said the sun is very bright! Park in the overflow lot at the top of the hill, just past the main entrance. We’ll have shuttles (our church vans) running from the overflow parking to the pavilion. There is no limit on attendance. Communion will be served at this service.

At 11:00 am, I will lead the service in our sanctuary. When I checked yesterday, there were still 55 spaces available. We are limiting in person attendance to 125 to keep all safe. We will livestream this service on our three channels just like we do each week. Here is the link to save a seat.

Last Sunday, our Administrative Council met to further refine the next expressions of our life together. We are doing our best to balance safety with our need to see each other and be back in the space we’ve called home for so long. If you’d like to see what we approved, here is the copy.

Friends, let me name our truth and commend the Ad Council for being willing to honor this truth in our decision making. We can’t go “back to normal,” because normal has changed. The shift toward fluidly moving between in person and digital experiences of church is now permanent. Expectations for small group interaction and faith development have changed. Our experiences of hands-on service will likely be forever different. These shifts were happening before the pandemic, but the pace of change required in response to these shifts accelerated tremendously.

Last Sunday, we spent the first part of our meeting grappling with the “new normal” and identifying the opportunities offered to us. The second part of our meeting focused on our new Sunday morning schedule, our continuing safety protocols, and inviting more of our small groups back to the building. Let me offer the highlights. On May 23, we’ll begin an expanded worship schedule: 9:00 am Traditional and 11:00 Contemporary, both held in the sanctuary. We’ll livestream both of these services on our three channels: website, Facebook Live and YouTube. On June 6, we’ll begin offering nursery, Faith Kids and Faith Youth on Sunday mornings. As the date gets closer, I’ll give you specifics on exactly what to expect for all three of those ministry areas. We now have a process in place for assigning small groups to spaces that can safely accommodate them, so contact Linda Saviers in the office if you have questions or need more information. The changes in our protocols will begin no earlier than May 23.

As we move toward our target of May 23, I am in need of some specific support. First, I need you to support our staff as they encourage us to hold to our safety protocols. I’m sure it is the exception, but our staff tell me you are weary with the check in procedure and not always cooperative when asked to keep your mask over your nose. We are so close to a much different day. As a way of honoring our commitment to each other’s wellbeing, please continue your diligence in keeping distance, wearing your mask, and respecting what we need in case we have to do contact tracing. Hopefully, it won’t be long before this can change.

Second, I need help in two specific areas as we expand our Sunday morning schedule. I need Sunday Support Team Leads. I will need a Team Lead at each of the services. This person will be the coordinator for our Sunday Support Team: those checking in, greeting at the door, helping in the sanctuary. Two Team Leads each Sunday, serving once a month, means I need eight people. If you can help in this area of leadership, please contact me as soon as possible. I also need help for our Tech Team. Specifically, I need people who have experience running sound, running cameras, and running computer presentations. Even if you don’t have this experience, but would be willing to learn, I need you. I will be doing recruiting over the next two weeks, but I don’t always know who has a specific skill or maybe just an interest with a willingness to learn. If that is you, please send me an email. Really, this is the time to raise your hand.

I am looking forward to Easter morning with you, Faith. As we celebrate the hope Lent has ushered in among us, let us join in the praises of a risen Lord.

See you Sunday,
Pastor Charla

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