Next Expressions | May 7

Friends, it is with sadness I tell you that Charlotte Tuton joined the communion of saints on Sunday afternoon, May 2. I’ve been in touch with her daughter, Judy. Their family is planning a memorial service at Faith later this summer. A date has not been set and will depend upon travel schedules for family members that live out of state. Judy shared a wonderful obituary with me. One sentence in particular stood out, “Her life exemplified the exhortation of the prophet Micah to ‘do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with your God.’” All of us who were privileged to know Charlotte can attest to how true this is. We will miss her smile and her encouragement very much. Click here for a link to Charlotte’s obituary on Floral Haven’s website.

Grief is counter-intuitive in the way it opens doors you would’ve never seen otherwise. We’ve lived through so much loss in the last 14 months, but as our congregation emerges on the other side, new expressions await. We are starting a four-week expansion into our new schedule. This Sunday, May 9, we’ll have a “dress rehearsal” of our 9:00 Traditional Service. It will truly be a practice run, but if you want to watch us work through all the bumps, you are welcome to join us in the sanctuary. Please arrive no earlier than 8:45 am. We’ll be practicing this Sunday and next, May 16. This 9:00 am service will not be livestreamed.

The 11:00 hour will remain the same on May 9 & 16, blending praise and worship with organ and hymns. This service will be produced for our livestream. We are welcoming more Sunday School classes back into the building each week. Pastor Heather sent room assignments to the class leaders via email last week and again this week. You’ll also find the class names beside the door to each room. Know that we have to be a bit flexible as more groups begin meeting again. Hopefully we can find a room that fits the needs of your class and not have to move folks around very much. But, as that need arises, I hope you will be patient and grace-filled with Pastor Heather and with each other.

On May 23 & 30, we’ll begin two distinct styles of worship. The Traditional Service will be in the sanctuary at 9:00 am. The Contemporary Service will be in the sanctuary at 11:00 am. We will also be carrying both services on our livestream. The hour in between will be a quick turn around of the chancel and music rehearsal for the praise band.

On June 6, we’ll bring back nursery, kids and youth. Our Sunday morning schedule will remain: 9:00 Traditional Worship; 10:00 Faith Groups; 11:00 Contemporary Worship. I am so grateful for those who’ve responded to our call for Christ-centered servants. We have more people joining the tech team upstairs, teachers and leaders in our kids and youth areas, a new Sunday Morning Support Team to help at our entrances and in the sanctuary, and an expanding number of safety team members now here for a longer morning. We couldn’t do it without each one of you. We are so grateful!

Please note our masking safety protocols. Masks are required in the building until May 23. Sunday School classes are deciding their own protocols when they are in their rooms, but for any movement in the building and in the sanctuary, masks must be worn. On Sunday, May 23, we will move to masks encouraged in the building. We especially encourage you to wear a mask as you are moving around the building and encountering others in the hallways, restrooms, entrances, etc. And, one final word -- masks will be required in the youth and kids’ areas at all times, even beyond May 23. Our kids and youth are unvaccinated and we must be diligent to protect them.

We are planning a 3-day extravaganza filled with faith and fun for K-12. Click here to see more information about our new summer experience, Faithcation. Registration is now open and volunteers are needed.

As I close, let me offer a word of thanks to those who responded to last week’s blog. While many of the questions we have about the UMC can only be answered, “I don’t know,” your appreciation for more context blessed me. There is now a landing page on our website that will be updated regularly. You can click here for a direct link, but you can also find it under the “About Us” tab. I chose to format it as a series of blog posts, allowing you to select the post addressing your specific interest or question. If you have questions you would like for me to address in a blog post, please email them to me. I am planning an in-person gathering for discussion on Wednesday, July 7 -- and a Zoom meeting with the same purpose on Sunday, July 11.

I wish you the peace of Christ as we look forward to worship together on Sunday.

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