Have Some Fun!

What a great week, friends! It began with a beautiful outdoor worship service Sunday morning and closed with exciting news on our new sound system installation. In the middle of that, your staff thanks you for an extra day off on Monday. We observed the holiday on Monday and closed the office that day. Now, we are aiming high for VBS, scheduled for July 20-22. It will be completely online, designed for us to share this experience together in our homes. And, we are looking forward to another outdoor worship service on Sunday, July 26 at 8:30 am.

The VBS theme is, “Splash: Get Soaked in God’s Love.” Each day, you’ll find 25 minutes of interactive video posted to our website. Each day’s video will include an introduction of the theme, fun music, recreation, and a bible story. In addition, we’ll provide bonus videos for crafts, science, and snacks. Participation is easy — just go to our website each day for the new material. Watch our introduction to VBS and get excited with me.

Faith, I hope that we can all enjoy VBS together this year — whether you are young, old, or in between. Our team of families from the congregation, VBS directors and staff have put together a wonderful way for us to deepen our faith. If you want to join me on Facebook Live each morning, I’ll walk you through some of the specifics the bible story in that day’s lesson. Through the comments, you can send me your questions to deepen our conversation. Mark that down — join us on the church Facebook page at 8:30 am each morning, July 20-22.

I’m excited about celebrating VBS throughout our entire congregation this summer. I’m also excited that we can extend our reach. Your invitations mean we always max out our registration because we can only have 200 kids in our building. This year, there is no cap. We can reach as many kids and their families as you will invite! Tell your friends. Tell your family. Whether they live close or far away, VBS is a way for us to intentionally focus on deepening our faith and receiving God’s goodness. In the midst of this season of struggle, let us enjoy these three days of refreshment together.

Splash down!
Pastor Charla

Pastor Charla's Signature.png
Hannah Phillips