Amazing People Among Us

Ask me, “What gives you energy in your job?” My top 5 might change a bit on any given day. But, this answer will always be in there — discovering people’s natural gifts and seeing them come alive and flourish the Body of Christ. This week, we are celebrating one of these stories. I’m so excited to share it with you.

A few weeks ago, we asked Dr. John Hendrix to share about how his specialty, palliative care, intersects with the our reality of living through a pandemic. He has a front row seat to elements of this experience we simply can't see. He was so generous to share his perspective because he wants to contribute to our individual journeys during this time — and because he wants to bless our church. Friends, I hope you will take some time to watch his video and then have the important conversations with family members. We are all praying for safety over those we love, for an effective vaccine, and for a day when we can gather in larger groups again. Between now and then, honesty and transparency in our closest relationships is important. If you get sick, what outcomes are acceptable to you? What desires of yours do your family members need to communicate with the medical staff in charge of your care? How do you act now to make sure your family can attend you well in the event that tough decisions must be made?

We are so blessed that John chose to invest himself and his family here at Faith. I hope you will be praying for him as he helps the medical staff he works with offer the best and most compassionate care to those who are sick with this virus. He has a tough job. He probably never thought he would be called on to provide the leadership he now has to give. But, he is rising to this task and I hope he knows that we stand with him in support and prayer. He makes us better at our mission, “Inviting people to Christ-centered service.” Join me in thanking John for blessing us with his gifts.

We are preparing for a return to the sanctuary on Sunday mornings. This week, our staff has been working diligently on all the pieces. We are still evaluating trends, building readiness, and tools to make it go smoothly. I’m not quite ready to share details with you, but that will come next week, so be looking for that. In the meantime, I hope you will prayerfully consider signing up for one of the four sections of Disciple Bible Study we are offering, beginning in September. Sign up here.

Faith, as I sign off for this week, I want you to know how proud I am to be one of your pastors. Your commitment to our life together is a true blessing as this time of social distance drags on much longer than any of us thought it would. Your concern for each other and reaching out to check on each other is such an encouragement. Your focus on ways we can continue to serve our community when we are so limited by the realities of necessary safety measures inspires me. I am praying for you — for your safety and protection, for your children returning to school, for your relationships. Thank you for allowing me this sacred trust. If you feel safe joining us for outdoor worship, I’ll see you on the west side of the building Sunday morning at 8:30 am. We will be receiving Communion so bring your Communion elements. If it is better for you to join us via livestream,  I’ll see you at 11:00 am on one of three channels: Facebook Live, YouTube, our website.

May the peace of Christ be with you,

Pastor Charla

Hannah Phillips