We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know

What words have become more frequent for you during the last three months? Social distancing, self-sacrifice, fluid, isolating, uncertainty? I think the word, “unprecedented,” encapsulates my experience. This is a first for me in every area of my life. It is so hard to lead when I’ve never experienced anything like this before. And yet, I want to lead well. I know you want that for me too. Holding each other in prayer, we do the best we can with the information we have and then we offer grace for the mistakes we will all surely make during this season.

This week, conversations among the Crisis Management Team (Eric Polak, Glen Moore, Pastor Heather, and me) have taken a deeper dive into the numbers. Since gathering indoors in closed spaces is less safe now than it has ever been, we are pivoting our approach toward outdoor gatherings. Last week, I announced our next outdoor worship service, July 5 at 8:00 am. Our Discipleship Team is heading to homes for outdoor curbside conversations with our students and their families. Pastor Heather is offering a hike every Saturday morning. We’ll continue to find ways we can gather with each other outside. If you have thoughts, I invite you to send them to me.

Last Sunday, we had three Sunday School classes meeting in our building from 10:00-11:00 am. I encouraged all of them to set up outdoor gatherings on their own. I invited them to consider gathering on the lawn here at the church if no other space is more suitable. I offer the same encouragement to all of you. Don’t give up on connecting with one another. Sit outside at each other’s homes, meet at a park, take a walk together. We can do this, Faith. We can hold each other with care while experiencing the blessing of connection.

I’m going to keep this short because I’m enjoying a couple of days for vacation this week. I hope that you’ll find sabbath space in your own lives and for your families.

Peace, Pastor Charla

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