Courage, Aug. 20

Faith, I want to tell you about our next sermon series and small group study. First, I need to give you information about our upcoming charge conference. We have a charge conference scheduled for Monday, Aug. 30 at 7:00 pm. We will meet via Zoom. You are encouraged to join us on this Zoom call (link below). The voting members of the charge conference are the Administrative Council plus any retired clergy that are connected to our congregation.

We are holding this charge conference because we received an invitation from our district superintendent, Rev. Connie Gibson, to name an extra lay delegate for the 2021 Annual Conference. We just received the final arrangements for the Annual Conference a few weeks ago. It will be both an in person and online event. Use the link to get more information about this year’s Annual Conference, scheduled for Oct. 8-9.

Our nominations committee has met and recommended a member of our Ad Council to fill this responsibility. I’m glad to tell you that Ruth Storts has accepted the nomination. We must have a charge conference to finalize the election. Rev. Gibson will be presiding. As a called charge conference, the only item on the agenda will be this election. The meeting will be held on Zoom. Here is the link should you wish to join us.

Now, let’s engage a conversation around the topic of courage. On Sept. 12, Pastor Heather and I will begin a new sermon series based on Tom Berlin’s new book, Courage: Jesus and the Call to Brave Faith. Right now, we are ordering copies of an accompanying small group curriculum. So far, 8 of our Sunday School classes have agreed to use this study during the sermon series. Pastor Heather will be leading a Zoom group, if you’d like to participate online. If you are a part of a small group or book study and would like to go through the study together, just reach out to Pastor Heather.

Tom Berlin challenges us to unlock the courage that we already possess as Christ followers. By examining the life of Christ, we will begin to understand what true courage is and how God works in the lives of Christ followers as they exhibit a brave faith. Once we have eyes to hear what Jesus is showing us, once we have ears to hear, we can begin to find the remarkable life Jesus offers us. You can hear Rev. Berlin explain the basis for this study using this link. Certainly, this is a timely topic. Heather and I are excited about what we might learn together in the coming weeks.

School began this week. Let us continue to hold our students, teachers and staff in prayer. I know it is hard to return to school facing the difficulty of rapidly rising infection rates. Let us also offer our prayers for the health care workers who are caring for all those who are ill. Pastor Heather and I are hearing from many in our congregation who are sick with COVID, some vaccinated and others not. Friends, we do not have to agree with someone’s decision about being vaccinated or unvaccinated to pray for them and their families when they become ill. So, we offer our prayers that God’s mercy will heal all who are sick.

If you are ready for a daily practice of scripture reading and prayer, this is the time to sign up for Disciple Bible Study. We’ll have three sections -- all taught on Zoom -- beginning first of next month. We are handing out manuals as folks sign up. This is a great time to commit, get your manuals and get ready to go!

I am hopeful for the ways we will be in ministry with each other and with our community this fall. Thank you for allowing me to serve with you as we offer the beautiful gift of grace to a world that needs it so much right now. Let’s be courageous.


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