With Love...

Tomorrow’s the day! I’m so grateful we will be together for Christmas Eve. Worship will be at 6:00 pm, both online and in the sanctuary. Communion will be available in the chapel from 4-6 pm and then again from 7-8 pm. Chapel Communion is an outreach to those who cannot join us in the sanctuary. As you arrive in the chapel, please take the time you need for prayer. When you are ready to receive, come to the altar and Pastor Heather or I will be honored to serve you.

For Christmas Eve worship, we are planning lots of music. Our band will lead us in singing. Our choir has a special piece prepared for us to enjoy. The handbells will share their music via video. We’ll have several scripture readers taking us through the Christmas story. And, we’ll sing Christmas carols – of course! The service will conclude as we take Communion together, pick up a candle or glow stick, and then sing, “Silent Night.” We will send you forth with Christmas blessings.

If you have young children, bring them with you on Christmas Eve. Our Kids’ directors, Laura and Linda, have prepared a special activity book that will follow the scripture lessons. During the pandemic, we rearranged the room on the west side of the sanctuary to provide privacy for nursing mothers and to be inviting for little ones. This room also has a window into the sanctuary so you can stay connected to the worship service. It will be available on Christmas Eve, of course. (The nursery will not be open on Christmas Eve.)

On Dec. 26, we’ll have one service at 10:00 am. (There will not be kids and youth programming or Sunday School for adults.) Since it will be my final Sunday to lead you in worship, I’ve asked our musicians to include some of my favorite tunes and lyrics. If you join us online, we’ll air the service through the final blessing and farewell prayer. If you are in the sanctuary, we’ll then move to the Table for Holy Communion. I expect Communion will take a bit longer since I will be serving. For that reason, I asked the livestream to conclude right before Communion.

In the upper hallway, I’ll have five different poster boards scattered around with “Blessing Stickies” on them. After you receive Communion, I hope you’ll check them out. I’ve been dreaming for several weeks about asking you to share in the things that matter to me. Some of the blessings will ask you to make a financial contribution to a ministry that matters to me. Some of the blessings will ask you to serve here at church in ways that would bless me. And, some of the blessings will ask you to serve in the community in ways that would bless me.

Rather than giving me a gift, Faith, I’m asking you to give to something that matters to me. I’d love for you to write a note and tell me about the blessing you chose. On Sunday, I’ll have cards and envelopes for you to take. The envelopes will have my permanent address on them, so you can send the note at any point and it will reach me. I know that many will be out of town on Dec. 26 and might want to pick up a “Blessing Sticky” later. They will be available for you through Sunday, Jan. 2.

You have blessed me over and over again during the last seven and a half years, Faith. When you took a risk and entered the Auxano consultation with me, I was blessed. When you opened up to me and to each other for our Holy Hard Conversations, I was blessed. When you said yes to the numerous times I asked you to serve with me in leadership, I was blessed. When you trusted me enough to cry your tears with me, I was blessed. When you laughed at my jokes and smiled at me after church, I was blessed. I write you this final blog with all of my love, Faith. Your next pastors, Pastor Heather and Pastor Seungrok, will be fortunate, indeed, to serve you. I will always count my time with you as one of my richest blessings.

With love…

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