Close of 2021

I am so excited to have these next two weeks in your midst, Faith. Preparing for a strong transition to Pastor Heather, I have been going through old files and cleaning the office. When you touch things that lived in another place and time, it is bittersweet. Because of the natural sadness I feel in times of transition, the gift of our high holy times together feels even more special this year.

Christmas Eve! Last year, we only got to see each other in our circles all around the city as we lit our candles and sang, Silent Night. A big thank you to Hannah Phillips for offering us a beautiful online experience from Pastor Heather’s living room. Even though I am proud of the way you engaged in our time of worship last year, I am really grateful for the chance to be back in our sanctuary. Whether you join us online (thru the livestream) or in person, I know our time together will root us in the traditions that remind us what we await. We’ll worship together at 6:00 pm. Remember, we are offering Communion in the Chapel between 4:00-6:00 pm and then from 7:00-8:00 pm. If you come to the Chapel, spend some quiet time in prayer, then receive the elements from either Pastor Heather or myself when you are ready. One other note, the nursery will not be open on Christmas Eve. We will have some special interactive gifts available for all the kids that join us.

This year, our Christmas Eve offering will benefit Good Night, Sleep Tight. Started in 2011, now in its 10th year, this ministry has given away over 500 beds to kids that need them. On the night when we remember the holy child who slept in a manger, we give so that children in Tulsa will have a bed! I invite you to pray about the offering God would ask of you this Christmas Eve. If you are in the sanctuary, you can leave your gift in the offering plates. If you give online, be sure to designate it, “Christmas Eve.”

Several of you noticed my books in the lower hallway last Sunday. They’ll be there through this Sunday. Books are my love. They are kind of like a security blanket for me. Books are the way I take my mind to another place, consider new ideas, learn about other people, and so much more. The books I left out for you to take have been amazing travelling companions, but I felt like it is time to let them go, making room for different companions. You are welcome to take as many as you wish. Most will have my notes because I read with a pen in hand. If you want me to write a note in the front for you, I’ll be around the book tables after both worship services. Oh, and please ask me any questions you have. I love to talk about books! I’m not planning to take any of the books out on the tables, so what is left after Sunday will be on their way to a different home.

My final time to lead you in worship will be Sunday, Dec. 26. We will only have one service at 10:00 am. There won’t be any other programming that day. We’ll worship together, in the sanctuary and online. At the end of worship, we’ll receive Communion together in the sanctuary. I would like the opportunity to serve each person who comes forward for Communion. I know it might take a while to receive, so we’ll abbreviate the live stream. Before we ask people to come forward in the sanctuary, we’ll have a blessing and sending forth for those joining online.

For those in the building, I’m asking you to share a blessing with me. Every congregation I’ve served has wanted to bless me when I leave – to offer a gift to express their joy for our time together. This time, I really thought about what I want from you, Faith. Together, we’ve embraced the mission of inviting people to Christ-centered service. What I really, really want is for you to serve in a way that will bless me. If you want, I’d love for you to send me a note and tell me what it was like for you.

So, after you’ve received Communion on Dec. 26, I will ask you to take a look through several blessings I’ll have available in the upper hallway. Some will be a chance to make a financial contribution to a ministry that is meaningful to me. Some will be a chance to serve our church in a way that would be a special blessing for me. Others will be a way to serve in the community that would excite me. I’m working on my ideas. I’ll have them written on sticky notes attached to posters. I’ll also have cards with addressed envelopes available, in case you want to write me a note and stick it in the mail. And, don’t worry if you’re not here on Dec. 26. The blessing notes will remain up through Jan. 2, so you can take one the following Sunday if you wish.

Last but not least, a word about year-end giving. According to IRS guidelines, all gifts and contributions reported on your 2021 giving statement must be received on or before Dec. 31.

  • MAIL: postmarked by Dec. 31

  • HAND DELIVERED: must be received in the church office by noon on Dec. 31

  • ONLINE: must be processed by 11:59 CST on Dec. 31 (

  • STOCK-TRANSFER: any appreciated stock transfers must be transferred to Faith by market close on Dec. 31.

Please note, the office is closed Dec. 27 & 28, open from 9:00-4:30 on Dec. 29 & 30, open from 9:00-12:00 on Dec. 31.

Thank you for your faithfulness to our church with your prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness through this difficult year, 2021. May God lead us into the New Year with peace and hope.


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