Changing Seasons

As the season changes, so do our short term classes being offered. Pastor Seungrok and I concluded the classes that we have been teaching on Wednesday nights for the last eight weeks. These short term studies were offered as part of our adult discipleship plan. In addition to the short term studies, Lee Ann Wilbur and I are teaching Disciple classes that last for 24 weeks. These classes are not short but they do have a commitment ending period unlike our long term groups like Sunday school classes and other groups.

On Sunday I will be preaching from 2 Timothy again with the emphasis on the importance of being in a Faith group. We will also be using the story of Jacob wrestling with God. Our congregation places a high value on Faith Groups because we know that they are important for disciples of every age. Learning for Life is one of our core values. The founder of Methodism, John Wesley, wrote about how we never graduate from this type of study because we will never reach perfection.

We are launching two new groups in October. An in-person Women’s Bible study will be starting on Thursday evenings and a Grief Support group will be offered in the chapel on Tuesday nights. Both of these are excellent groups and I pray you will seriously consider joining. We have all the details in the Friday email and on our Connect page. I give thanks for those who will be leading and pray for the Holy Spirit to move through these groups.

One of my favorite things about teaching is the way that I get to know people in the congregation on a deeper level. I hear their stories of life and they hear mine. It is a wonderful blessing that is unlike any other opportunity. I encourage you to look at all of the options for Faith Groups on the church calendar and find one that you can participate in to deepen your faith and your relationships in your church family.

Yesterday, the staff concluded their planning for the Advent & Christmas theme. We are excited about what is coming very soon. We know that the church will be filled with visitors in December and so we invite you to serve on Nov. 12th for the All Church Work Day. We have deliberately planned it on the same day as the Men’s breakfast -so eat pancakes and then help us do a few projects around the campus. It is always fun and amazing how much we get done. My grandmother used to always say “Many hands make light work.”

Grace and Peace,

Faith Tulsa