Why Mission Trips?

My grandfather didn’t believe people should go on mission trips. His way of thinking was that it cost a lot of money and there were plenty of people who needed help right here at home. And he was right that there are people who need help here at home but he was wrong about what happens on mission trips.

Yes we build houses, repair water wells and play with children but mission trips do something else too. I have seen the way they move people’s hearts to fall in love with serving. Last spring, I was blessed to attend the youth Spring Break Mission trip and it was wonderful to see our young disciples fall in love with helping people. The parents were amazed at how different their children where after we came home. I once had a student tell me that she had been complaining to her parents about how small her bedroom was until she helped build a home in Mexico for a family of five that was smaller than her bedroom. It changed her perspective and moved her to an attitude of thankfulness.

I can sometimes get very task oriented on a mission trip but my team leader, Jim Doughty, always reminded me that we were there to spread the love of Jesus. Yes, building a ramp is a nice thing to do but if we don’t do it with love for those we are serving than we haven’t accomplished our purpose. The power of spreading Jesus’ love is our real purpose and it beats any project that we tackle. Often the people we serve are amazed that we would give our time and talents to strangers all because we are thankful for the love and forgiveness we receive from Jesus. And most of the people who go on mission trips come home and start to serve in their neighborhoods. So really both areas end up being served!

So I encourage you to buy some Christmas greenery from our students as they raise money for their next Spring Break Mission trip. They will be set up in the lower hallway at the entrance to the youth wing on Sundays in October. You can also purchase online at our website. You may not be able to attend a mission trip yourself but you can change a life by sending someone else.

Peace be with you,

Faith Tulsa