Baptism, Statistics and Pancakes, oh my

Hello Beloved of God,

I am super excited because Makenzie Stone will be baptized on Sunday at the 11:00 service.  She asked me about it months ago but I wasn’t sure if she really meant it.  Her interest hasn’t faltered and we met this week to discuss the questions and make sure that she understood what she will be doing.  You might notice that I will be using language that an elementary student understands rather than the exact wording as it reads in the hymnal.  I think it is important that she understands and answers appropriately rather than my words matching the historical vows.  Her grandparents, the Lockwoods, invite any of you who would like to show support for Makenzie during this Holy sacrament to come sit down front with them.

The staff and I have been working hard to complete all the statistical reports for our Charge Conference on Nov. 13th@6:30 pm.  The reports are all due this Sunday so that our District Superintendent can have time to read over them before we gather. This year our Charge Conference will be with four other churches at New Haven UMC.  You are welcome to attend if you would like to see this process.  I wouldn’t exactly call it fun, but it is interesting. I was wonderfully surprised to see that we have had 30 new members plus 3 new children join our congregation so far this year. Also, I discovered that many more of you are worshiping online than I realized. The children and youth also each reported 50 active participants!  How wonderful to see us thriving and growing disciples.

Also, I have scheduled a Town Hall for Sunday Nov. 6th at 4 pm in the sanctuary to give you an update on what is happening in the denomination.  I wanted to give you the opportunity to ask questions and hear the rulings that have happened which are guiding this process. I also want to go over the process that other churches have gone through and the pain that so many of our congregations are experiencing.  Please pray for these churches who are hurting.

Lastly, all the women are invited to Tool Tyme at Cookson Hills for a mission weekend Nov. 11th & 12th.  The deadline to register is Nov. 8th and the informational link is here.  But you don’t have to drive to Cookson to serve, we will be having the All Church work day here at Faith on Saturday Nov. 12th with pancakes for breakfast.

Speaking of pancakes, I can’t wait for SUNDAY because we are having pancakes in the Great Hall for everyone at 10:00 am! 

See you there,

Faith Tulsa