Thanks for the Memories

This Sunday we will read the names of the members of our congregation that have gone to the church eternal since All Saints Day last year. We have lost twelve beloved members who will be honored. Some of them sang in the choir, taught Sunday school, and served in countless ways for this congregation and for Jesus. I give thanks that I knew most of them personally. We have a beautiful tradition of lighting a candle and tolling a bell for each name. In addition to church members, we will light a candle for those loved ones connected to our church families and invite you to stand if you have had a loss. And lastly we will light a candle for those who died in service to others. It is a beautiful way to remember and honor those Saints who have gone before us.

You may have received a Commitment card in the mail recently. I am asking you to prayerfully consider supporting the ministries of Faith for next year. I know that some of you do not like a pledge card but it really helps us plan. Can we continue to operate in the way that we have? Are we able to keep our staff persons for another year? Can we add money to areas where we would like to grow? Having a commitment card from as many people as possible can help answer these questions. And you can change your card if you need to during the year when life happens unexpectedly. For the first time, we have digital pledge cards here. You can also email Glen Moore (our business administrator) your information. Next year will be our forty fifth birthday and we will be celebrating where we have been and where we are going!

Speaking of celebrating, BIG Methodist news! My friend Rev. David Wilson was just elected this week as the first Native American Bishop in the denomination. You can read about it here. He is one of us! He lives and serves the people of Oklahoma. Please pray for him in this incredible opportunity and where God will be sending him next.

This week we will continue in our new series “The Healing Practice of Celebration.” As we face the elections of next week, I pray for your sense of peace and strength as you make the very difficult decisions to research each of the candidates and chose a future for our beloved state. Election season is my least favorite season of the year. It is painful and creates a lot of stress and angry words between people who love each other. May we lean into God and find ways to be kind to each other.

Lastly, we have a few extra of our new t-shirts for sale and you can pick them up in the church office or purchase on Sunday. Also this week, Gayle Fritts and Amy Robinson will be presenting in the Chapel at 10 am on their pilgrimage hike down the coast of California.


Faith Tulsa