It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas

We officially begin the first of our Christmas services this Sunday at 10 am with the Christmas Cantata. This will be the ONLY service on Dec. 18th. We have been intentional about making sure all ages of members will be leading in worship on Sunday. For the last song we will all raise our voices together in singing “Joy to the World.” Our choir, bells, praise team, youth praise team and our children will be singing. Two of our young adults will be doing solos. Our readers will be youth and young adults. It will be a joy full experience as we listen and pray and worship the miracle of the incarnation and this idea that God could fully know what it is like to be human. We are not planning on any Sunday school that day so that everyone will be gathered together.

On Wednesday, Dec. 21st at 5 pm we will have our Blue Christmas service in the Chapel. This service was shaped by those who recently took our Grief Recovery class and what they need during the holiday season when their hearts are aching a loss. DeRon Gabrielle, our Young Adult Director will be leading the music and Brittney Blakely, our Caring Director will guide the service. This service is open to the community and we hope you will invite those that you know who might be finding the season painful.

Then on Saturday Dec. 24th we will gather for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion service at 6 pm. This traditional service ends with the lighting of the candles (or glow sticks for little people) and the singing of Silent Night. I have heard many people say that this is their favorite part of Christmas. I look forward to seeing you there.

We have a tradition of giving the Christmas Eve offering to a non-profit ministry. This year we will be giving the Christmas Eve offering to Good Night, Sleep Tight. This ministry provides a twin size bed, frame and linens for children who have no bed. It seems appropriate that as we consider the Christ child who had no place to be born that we give to other children who lack sleeping arrangements. $200 provides a bed and then we also give these students linens as well. Please indicate Good Night on your memo for giving to this incredible ministry.

On Christmas morning, yes it is a Sunday, Jonathon and I will lead worship at 10:00 am as we celebrate this high Holy Day in Christianity. I know many of you will be with family but we also know the there are those who cherish the thought of being in worship for Christmas.

ALL of our Christmas services will be live-streamed and you can participate from home or on the road. I pray that you will find the light that always come in the darkness knowing Jesus.

Faith Tulsa