Christmas is finally here!

Last Sunday our Cantata wowed the congregation with their incredible talent. The bells did creative play that was beautiful and the children made us smile. We are so pleased with the many new faces of our choir and their beautiful music. They will be leading us again on Saturday night for the Candlelight Communion service at 6:00 pm. Many people told me how much they enjoyed seeing our youth and young adults up their leading our congregation. One of our new members, Larry, said as he walked out of the sanctuary “I am so glad that I found this church and I look forward to coming each week.” What a beautiful witness!

We gather together to light the Christ candle on Saturday and Sunday. For those of you who are missing an 11:00 pm Christmas Eve service, Pastor Seungrok is having one at Living Water. The address for Living Water is 14440 S. Elwood. At Faith, we will gather at 6 pm on Christmas Eve and at 10 am on Sunday. All of these services will be celebrating the coming of the Christ child. The gospel of John is beautifully written to reflect the reality of the Incarnation and it reads:

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.
 The Word was with God in the beginning. Everything came into being through the Word,
    and without the Word nothing came into being.
What came into being through the Word was life,
    and the life was the light for all people.
 The light shines in the darkness,
    and the darkness doesn’t extinguish the light.

If you can not attend any of these services in person, we will be live streaming them to our website, youtube channel and our Facebook page. We pray everyone who is able will join us on this sacred and holy day. After worship on Sunday, there is a Pot Luck Christmas luncheon in the youth wing at noon. Anyone is welcome to attend and share table with others. Kendra is coordinating if you would like more information click here.

Also, I want to remind you that any donations to the church for this year have to be postmarked or delivered by Dec. 29th. Any donations after that date will be reflected on the January giving statements. We appreciate all your generosity to this church and the work that we do in the world. The staff has also asked me to extend thanks to all those who have donated to the staff love offering. Their gifts were distributed on Thursday so they could enjoy them for the holidays. They appreciate the love and support that you have shown them, and me, all year. We pray for all those who will be traveling to be kept safe. I am so very grateful to be your pastor.

Merry Christmas and Peace Be With You,

Faith Tulsa