12 Days of Christmas

My family had 4 Christmases this year. We had so much fun with Henry who finally understood opening presents and he did everyones! Jon’s brother (who lives in Wisconsin) and his wife braved the elements to be with us on Christmas Eve and morning. Then we drove to Texas and had second Christmas with my mother-in-law and she remarked that it was the first time in 20 years that all 4 of her sons were together for Christmas. We tried to prove her wrong but we couldn’t do it. 20 years had flown by that quickly. It humbled us to realize how special it was to all be together. Then 3rd Christmas was with our oldest son, Spencer and his three beautiful children. It was a frenzy of opening that left me feeling a little run over. And I was not feeling very well and had a terrible cough. And lastly, 4th Christmas was at my parents home on the 27th on our way back from Texas with my brother and his kids. It was really nice and we had an Italian feast to feed all the hollow teenagers.

But the 12 days of Christmas are not about how many gatherings you have to open presents. They are the season of Christmas on the Christian calendar. At the end of that time we celebrate the Epiphany and the arrival of the Wise Men. In a world where Christmas things go up before Halloween, twelve days doesn’t feel very long. But during this time, Jesus was presented to the temple on the 8th day and received his name. Two prophets waited for him and proclaimed him the Messiah. This is often the part of the story that we miss or skip over but it is profound and significant. We will not take down the Christmas decorations until these days are over. I pray you will stay for pizza after worship on January 8th and help us transition the sanctuary to Epiphany. Many hands make light work!

I could use a little prayer for my healing as well. I have a sinus infection and laryngitis that has robbed me of my voice. I have made “just in case” arrangements for Sunday but I hope to be healed to lead you all in the Wesley Covenant prayer that is such a reminder of the humility we offer God in ourselves to use for the next year. It is also a Communion Sunday in both services.

It should be wonderful! : )

Faith Tulsa