
Every week when I begin writing my blog, I title it “Pastor’s Blog” which makes the Trekkie in my head translate it to “Captain’s Log.” So today would be Captain’s Log Stardate 11602.11 Which always make me laugh! 

When I was pregnant for the first time, I watched Star Trek New Generation on reruns every night at eleven pm before I went to bed.  I had never been a Star Trek fan and thought the original series was super cheesy. (Please don’t write me to argue this!)  But there was something about Jean-Luc Picard, as captain of Star Fleet that inspired me to keep watching.  Twenty seven years later I started following the actor who played this character, Sir Patrick Stewart, on twitter because he decided to read a sonnet every day during the pandemic to help inspire people.  It was a bright spot in the darkness. He has a voice that I love and speaks to me in a way that I really can’t explain except to say that I find it soothing.  

When I worked at the First United Methodist Church in Sapulpa, I would read the prayers over those who were taking communion to dismiss them from the altar rail.  I remember people telling me that my voice sounded like the voice of God to them as they knelt there.  I was surprised by this but also found it very sweet.  I knew that the act of kneeling and the sacredness of taking communion had moved them into this space.  

As I talk about love in my sermon on Sunday and the world spends an incredible amount of money on tokens of romantic love this weekend, I can’t help wondering why some things move us to love and others do not.  I find that I rely on the Holy Spirit to move us to love God and love neighbor.  Sometimes the person that we find it hardest to believe deserves love is ourselves.  The gift of love, the yearning of a creator for us, is one that we find hard to accept.  So the title for my sermon on Sunday is Accepting Our Acceptance as we unpack prevenient grace, repentance and mature faith vs immature faith.  

I saw the numbers for virtual worship on Sunday and there were 213 people watching!  I am so thankful that we have this option and can be together in this way.  Today the 7 day average trend for CoVid cases in Tulsa County have dropped again and we are hopeful. I know you will continue to monitor them and so will we as we find ways to cross time and space to be together.  I ask you to pray with me for the day when we will all feel safe together.  

Let me end with a quote from my favorite captain “That is what it is to be human. To make yourself more than you are.” God sees you as more, may you make it so. Amen. 

Faith Tulsa