Lent Sneak Peek

Hello Friends, 

I have been working with our wonderful team on finalizing our Lenten plans.  I am excited for things that are old, that we have reworked, and things that are new.  Jonathon is putting together a landing page for all things Lent and you will be able to open this page on our website.  It will contain our sign-ups and detailed information. 

Lent will kick off on Ash Wednesday at 7 pm.  This service is typically somber as we are reminded that our time on earth is limited.  Pastor Seungrok will be preaching that night and Living Water will be joining us for worship. We will offer wooden crosses to be worn until Easter to everyone who attends. 

For the first time, we will be taking communion as well as receiving the imposition of the ashes. This is due to our emphasis for the Lenten season on the cross.  Each Sunday we will be exploring the witness of those who were present at the crucifixion.  By taking communion, we will remember the Last Supper that Jesus had with his closest followers right before he was arrested and then crucified.  Then we will be fasting from Communion until Holy Week. 

Linda and I are excited to bring something to Faith from our childhood.  It is a Lenten collage.  Each Sunday I will add a symbol to the altar representing the part of the story that we are focusing on.  Also Jonathon has created graphic art for each week focusing on the witness of the week.  I am hoping that these visual illustrations will help you remember more deeply.  Next week I will describe Holy Week for you all.  

This Sunday we will begin hosting Family Promise.  I have invited their director, Tina Massey, to share with us on Sunday for the Mission Moment.  I want to say thank you to everyone who signed up to help.  All the slots are full! 

And lastly, I want to say thank you for all the prayers for my mother.  The bleeding in her brain stopped on its own and she did not require surgery.  She was released to our care this week and we are so relieved.  She looks pretty beat up but we are celebrating anyway. Now we just have to be patient while she heals.  Again, thank you all for the prayers and concern that you have shown.  

Grace and peace, 

Faith Tulsa