Holy Week Details

Good Day Faith!

We are so pleased that the CoVid numbers have continued to decline in Tulsa County. We have met the requirements to move to a “Masks encouraged” status rather than a “Masks required.” We will begin this new phase on Sunday Feb. 27th in the adult areas and worship.

If you have received a suspicious email from churchoffice076@gmail.com, someone is impersonating me. Please do not respond to or open any of these emails!

It is almost time to begin our Lenten Journey to Easter. We have so many opportunities for you to reflect on Jesus and deepen your faith during this time. It’s not too late to sign up for a Lent Study Group. We have three groups beginning for five weeks to choose from. See our Friday email or Connect page for details and link to sign up. Pastor Seungrok will be writing daily prayers that we will share with you each week and we will have the wooden crosses for you to wear until Easter. I encourage you to read from the gospel of John each day during Lent to relive the story of Jesus. Traditionally people have often fasted from something or taken on a new discipline for reflection for these forty plus days.

Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday and we are very excited that the children will be leading us in some music that day and then enjoying the church Easter egg hunt.

  • Monday and Tuesday: I need help setting up our Holy Week immersion stations from 7-8 pm. I am looking for ten people to help and make the work go quickly. I need handy people and creative people. Click HERE to sign-up.

  • Wednesday and Thursday we will have time slots for you and your friends or family to experience the immersion stations together. Click HERE to choose a time to walk through the Holy Week Experience. We have wheelchairs available for those who can’t walk through the stations.

  • Good Friday Worship begins at 7 pm. This traditional service is one of light and darkness and each person is invited to nail their confessions to the cross.

  • EASTER morning we will offer three distinctly different services. The 6:30 am service will be on the property and outside (weather permitting.) Please bring a lawn chair. This service will be led by our Youth and will include Holy Communion. The 9:00 am service will be the Traditional service with special music and lots of your favorite things about Easter. The 11:00 am service will be rejoicing with Contemporary music, prayer and word. Each is distinctly different yet wonderful.

I pray that you will use this season of reflection and fasting to open your hearts to the hope we find in Jesus and to deepen your own faith.


Faith Tulsa