Awards and Insurance

Yesterday I was blessed to attend the Care Portal luncheon with a few of our members, Kay Leslie who leads this ministry and Linda our Kid’s Minister. It was wonderful to be connected to a room full of churches all working together to support our vulnerable foster families in Oklahoma. One woman had converted two rooms in her home for items for these kids and had personally helped over 100 children. We were with all sizes of churches including a little church from Kiefer and a representative from First Baptist downtown. Faith UMC was honored for the third year in a row for filling the most requests for help in the state and being third in the nation. (This is where you cheer, whoop and generally celebrate!) Kay is a legend in the Care Portal circles for the work that she does on our behalf and all the people who contribute to this ministry at Faith. I was so humbled and proud to represent you as your pastor and to stand next to Kay. The love that you have shown to the stranger is truly miraculous.

Not so exciting but equally important is the work the Glen is doing around our insurance renewal. We decided that we should shop around and make sure that we wanted to stay with our current company because they had raised our deductible so significantly. After doing the due diligence and getting bids from other companies, we have decided to stay with our current provider. So those of you who love numbers get ready!

  • Our campus is approximately 65,000 square feet of space.

  • It is estimated to be valued between 7-9 million dollars.

  • Our premium is $30,000 annually and this is a good deal!

I found these numbers astonishing and that is why I wanted to share them with you. We have a lovely campus and insuring it against catastrophic events is necessary. We could not do this without your tithes and gifts to our general fund which provides this coverage. So thank you Faith! Thank you for your faithfulness in giving to help those in need in our community and to providing for this congregation. This church, these people, this place is truly remarkable.


Faith Tulsa