All Saints Day

As we move into November, we will be “FALLING BACK” this weekend. We will also be celebrating the Saints that we have lost during 2023. Each year we place a candle on the altar for each church member who has gone on to the church eternal. This year we will be remembering eight members who have gone to be with Jesus. We have a beautiful tradition of lighting a candle, and tolling a bell for each of these friends.

Mike Neville- I was blessed to grow up only a few blocks from Mike and Sharon Neville in Okmulgee. Their daughters were just a few years younger than my brother and I. He was a big teddy bear of a man who loved his family deeply. Mike worked in education his whole life.

Jim Hammond- I discovered that Jim was an exceptional athlete and he had a competitive nature. He was also incredibly smart and enjoyed a great debate. He and Judy live in my neighborhood. He hated it whenever we made a fuss over him and he also had the eye of an artist.

Tom Bright- He never looked happier than when he was helping out with the children. Tom was a Special Angel and helped with VBS every year. He lived his life surrounded by the strong women he loved and he was generous to a fault.

Thom Inman- He came from a long line of country oilmen in the Mounds area. He was active in the Individuals of Faith class and had a deep friendship with Tammy Moore. His health kept him from being as active as he would have loved to have been late in his life.

Sally Leininger- The word that always comes to mind when you talk about Sally is sweet. She had a beautiful smile and she looked at Pete like he had hung the moon in the sky. They were active in our early worship service and Dinner for 8 groups. I was blessed to have been in one of those groups with them.

Ruth Burke- I remember sitting with Ruth in the knitters group on Monday surrounded by love and laughter. She made stocking caps by the hundreds to be given to children. She was always kind and gracious. She worked hard her whole life.

Diane Doughty- I wrote about our Diane last week and all the ways she helped build this strong wonderful church.

Tim Hansen- Everyone remembers Tim for his larger than life personality. He lived longer than any of his doctors thought was possible. He and Kathy had moved to Chicago to be with his girls and his grandkids.

Some people think of Faith as a really large church but it isn’t so big that we can’t know each other. I was blessed to have known each of these members of the church. I also know that many of you have lost loved ones over the course of this year that were not members of our church. We will also light a candle for those folks. I will also have a candle for those who lost their lives in violence or war. And the last candle will be for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice while serving others. On this All Saints Day we will begin our conversation about the meaning of grace and how to life a United Methodist life.

May you be blessed as you remember,


Happy 45th Birthday Faith!!!


Reflections on Diane