Holy Weekend arrives

For many ministers, this is the hardest and most rewarding week of the year. Spiritually walking from Palm Sunday to the suffering, death and finally to the resurrection is an emotional journey. Our first special service and the breaking of bread was last night as we gathered to serve our neighbors at Night Light Tulsa. It was a powerful evening and I am so proud of you Faith for stepping up and stepping in to this experience. It is hard to describe standing in a circle under the freeway taking communion. The sounds, the sights, the dusk and the hands yearning for God’s love.

Tonight I pray that you will attend our Good Friday service at 7 pm. There is a nursery provided and we encourage you to bring your littles in their pajamas. The bells will play with the haunting sound of an instrument solo by Rev. Pam Cottrill. The choir and praise teams will lead us in music. The sounds of hammering will fill the sanctuary as we nail our confessions to the cross. It is a moving and beautiful service.

Holy Saturday is stuffed with opportunities. The men’s breakfast is at 8 am. The youth come to set up and rehearse the sunrise service at 9. I hope you will come to help decorate for Easter at 10 am. Faithful Families class will be removing the cross and our sins to transform into new life. Many hands will make the work fast!

Lastly Easter morning begins with our youth leading the Sunrise service in the Narthex. We will conclude the service with Communion. At the 9:00 Traditional service we will celebrate with those great hymns that God’s people have raised their voices to sing since the 1700’s. There is something beautiful about that connection to the Saints over the ages. We WILL have Kid’s Connect at this service. The choir and the bells will lead us in special music and will read the resurrection story from Luke. We will break bread together just as Jesus did on that first Easter with the couple from the walk to Emmaus. There eyes were open and the recognized him. I pray that our eyes will be opened as well.

At 10:00 am, during the Sunday school hour, you are invited to the Chapel for a Breakfast social. Enjoy visiting with people and have a little nourishment at the same time.

The 11:00 Contemporary service will be filled with Easter rejoicing and we will conclude with the Easter confetti cannons and a family who will be joining the church. It just doesn’t get much better than this!

Good Friday blessings to you all,

Faith Tulsa