Holy Week is Here!

The last 4o days of repentance and reflection have led us to Holy Week. This upcoming Palm Sunday we are excited to have the children singing in both services and (if the rain holds off!) the Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday afternoon at 3 pm. I still need volunteers to help me set up the Prayer Stations (for Monday and Tuesday) after the Easter Egg hunt on Sunday afternoon. I hope that you will take some time to go through the stations and deepen your understanding of the significance of Holy Week. They will be open from 3-7 on both days and you can reserve a time slot here. WE INVITE YOU to come on Thursday night as we live our mission statement of “Inviting people to Christ centered service.

You have two options on Thursday Night. We will be partnering with Night Light Tulsa by providing volunteers to help in their ministry under the bridge serving those who are experiencing homelessness. There are stations with options to serve. Training and assignment of jobs happens at 6:15 pm. If you want to ride the church van to this ministry, you will leave the parking lot at 5:30 pm. Please reserve your seat here. You can also meet us there if you want to drive yourself.

The other option is to serve is at 6:30 pm on Thursday night at the church. We will be packing Blessing Bags to be handed out and setting up the tables for the Easter Breakfast. No reservation necessary. Just show up to help!

Our Good Friday service will be using the Passion narrative from the gospel of John. I have four volunteers who will be bringing the text to life in their readings. We will be using the wonderful art that has been created for this week. I have the greeters and the cross team lined up but I still need 3 communion servers. You can sign up here to serve. This is one of the most meaningful services that we have all year. Our Bells and Chancel Choir will be playing that night. It will be live streamed for those of you who want to participate in that way. There is nothing like hearing the sounds of those hammers echoing in the sanctuary as we nail our sins to the cross. I encourage you to invite a friend whose church doesn’t have a Good Friday service or someone who may not attend a church. We do provide a Nursery for this service.

On Holy Saturday, I still have a lot of slots open for volunteers to help turn the sanctuary from the darkness of Good Friday to the joy of Easter. We gather at 10 am and work about an hour on the transformation of the space. I need 18 more volunteers to accomplish the tasks that we have and you can sign up here.

And then we will celebrate Jesus’ triumph over death on Easter Sunday!! I am creating a photo backdrop for families to enjoy. We have 3 very different worship services planned. The 6:30 am Sunrise Service is led by our youth and is in the Narthex facing out the windows to the watch the sky change. We do serve communion at this service as well. The 9:00 service will be high Holy traditional worship with both the Bells and the Choir leading us in music. There will be a Kid’s Connect and I will be leading a short messagel for the children about how butterflies can teach us about the resurrection. We WILL take communion at this service as well. Our 11:00 service will be Praise & Worship with Kid’s Connect and the butterfly kid’s message. The Bell Choir will be playing for this service as well. The vibrancy of this service is like nothing else. Let us shout with joy our proclamation of faith that “Christ is Risen!”

Let us immerse ourselves in the gift of Jesus Christ,


Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Resurrection Sunday!


Last Sunday of Lent