Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Resurrection Sunday!

My cousin and I were discussing trying to find time to fulfill taking our parents to say goodbye to their youngest brother who is nearing the end of his life here on earth. I told some of the staff that I was feeling “fragile” this week because the normal business and pressure of Holy Week was overlaid by my grief for my uncle knowing that my recent trip to see him would be my last. Eric works in sports and he equated this week to Super Bowl Sunday for me and I liked it. On top of that we had the lovely celebration of the life of one of our saints, Merideth Yoakum, on Wednesday. Yet, in the midst of all of these things, I have felt so blessed.

On Monday and Tuesday, Seungrok and I had the best time visiting with people and washing their hands or feet. It is so rare that I get any time, that isn’t scheduled, to just be with people. The prayer stations were powerful and I give thanks for those who helped me make them so wonderful. Seungrok has taken them to Living Water to be used by his congregation next. That makes me so happy.

On Wednesday, I already mentioned that we had the service to celebrate one of our church members who had such a strong faith and lived such a long life. She set the bar for funeral prep and insisted that we rejoice instead of mourn. It was a wonderful reminder of the reason we celebrate today as Good Friday.

Every year people ask me, what is so good about Jesus dying on the cross? As we spend this season in John, he reminds us of this triumph over death that leads to eternal life. The gospel of John pairs Jesus’ triumphal entry right after the healing of Lazarus from the dead. John wants us to make the connection that Jesus has power over life and death. It happens with Lazarus, and it happens with him. What is so beautiful about the gospel of John is this understanding that we go to eternal life right away. Unlike the synoptic gospels, John doesn’t make us wait for the second coming.

Last night the weather was beautiful and we were the hands and feet of the Lord who challenges us to love our neighbors as much as we love him. I would even say that he proclaims that if we do not love our neighbors than we do not love him. Some of our beautiful souls were under the bridge downtown with Night Light Tulsa and others gathered here at the church to pack blessing bags for those who suffer. I give thanks that I serve a church that reminds me over and over that it is NOT about me.

Tonight we gather for one of our most important services of the entire year. We do this well Faith. Our Good Friday service begins at 7 pm and it is a feast for the senses. Many churches do not have services on this night and I hope you will invite your friends to attend with you. The choir will sing, the bells will play and April (from Living Water) will be back with us leading music.

Saturday I will be here with faithful volunteers to get the church ready for Easter. Please join me at 10:00 am and then we can all go to the Easter Egg hunt in the East lot after and enjoy watching the kids. The weather should be perfect. I have talked my daughter into helping me make a balloon arch photo backdrop for Easter morning. I have no idea what that entails but I will give it my best.

I will be in all 3 worship services on Sunday morning. I will be serving Communion at both the 6:30 and 9:00 services. We WILL have Kid’s Connect in both the 9:00 and the 11:00 services.

I look forward to proclaiming with you that Christ has risen indeed!!

I love you and God loves you,


After Easter Opportunities


Holy Week is Here!