Holiday of Freedom

I know many of you are enjoying time with friends or traveling during this long weekend of national holiday. I have heard stories from members about where they were going and who they were going to gather with. I know several people who are fleeing the heat and heading to someplace cooler than Oklahoma. Jon and I actually took some time away this week in Colorado. It was so lovely and the weather was perfect. Fireworks with the rocky mountains in the background are pretty impressive.

As I think about this holiday and the bravery that it took to claim independence, I can’t help thinking about how the Boston Harbor filled with tea must have smelled. My mind imagines the division between communities based on those loyal to the British monarchy versus those who felt the need to separate and be something new. The fear and tensions that would become constant in a world filled with war must have been exhausting. The fear of change and of neighbor who might turn you in for thinking differently about what is next for these fledgling colonies. In a world that was already so harsh, compounding survival with invasion of military forces is difficult to relate to for those of us in our modern context.

We live in a world that gives us so much agency. We have so many choices. For people in poverty, they are not used to having choices or being heard. In some cultures, people do not have many options or choices and when they visit the USA they are overwhelmed with how many choices that we make every day. I have said myself that I am sometimes overwhelmed with all the choices that we have. I was buying ketchup, of all things, and was shocked to discover there are options beside which brands to choose from! When did this happen? There is sugar free ketchup, pickle ketchup, organic ketchup, spicy ketchup…..and more.

I say this to remind us of the incredible freedom that we have. The agency of choice. The power to decide. I recognize that there are many people in our country that do not have as many choices or freedoms. I hope that we will all remember that this freedom has incredible value. That we will be a voice and fight for others who have the God given right to be treated with dignity and respect. As we gather with those we love and celebrate freedom, may we be thankful and renewed in our willingness to face our fears and fight for freedom for everyone.



Popcorn Theology Begins!


Night Light Mission