Amazing People, Part 2

A few weeks ago, you got to hear from Dr. John Hendrix about how a physician serves during a pandemic. If you need a refresher, use this link to his video. I’m so grateful for his willingness to share his perspective and to walk us through some conversations we need to have with our families about directives at the end of our lives. Now, you’ll get to hear from Kevin Bonifield, a licensed professional counselor and member of our congregation. We’re all living the impact a pandemic has on our mental and relational health. Kevin has so much to offer us in this short video about how to care for ourselves and one another.

Wasn’t that amazing?! If you’ve come across Kevin in our life together, you know what a blessing he is in a group. He offers a sense of calm and peace everywhere he goes. He thinks deeply and reflects so well on the real questions with which we are wrestling. We are blessed with his insights, both in our congregation and in this video he made for us. If you have folks in your life that you know could benefit from Kevin’s insights, please share the YouTube link with them — or forward them this Friday email.

Now, to the topic of Advent and Christmas. We are planning a special musical event for Dec. 17 called, “Advent 2020: A New Christmas Memory.” As the date gets closer, we’ll tell you how we’ll view this together over our live stream. Greg & Kay Leslie will be putting this together in video format featuring many of our musicians. We’ll also have some special memories shared of Christmases past. If you have a memory to share, email it to: Or use that same email address to get your questions answered about how to submit a special memory through pictures or video.

As your staff, we are working hard to create connection that feels real during the upcoming holiday season. We want to honor how special this season has always been and create tangible ways for it to be real among us this year. The pandemic presents a challenge, but we will do our best. More info will be coming soon about plans for the Advent theme and series, as well as plans for Christmas Eve.

Finally, don’t forget to save your seat if you are joining us for Sundays in this Sanctuary this week. Use this link to let us know you’re coming this Sunday, Sept. 13. We’ve increased our capacity to 100. After two Sundays, we believe we can safely accommodate a few more. As of last night, we had 12 seats reserved. If you want to come, we have room for you. Let us know you’re coming, Faith, for Sundays in the Sanctuary.

May the peace of Christ be with you,

Pastor Charla

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