Why Worship?

Worship is a life line for us right now. Whether we experience it online or in person, worship has the capability to activate the better angels of our nature. Worship lifts our gaze — away from our navels. Worship reminds us who we are and whose we are. Worship connects us to the ancients of our faith and gives us reason to hope in the future. Worship is essential. I hope over the last 6 months, you’ve found an authentic expression of worship for you and any who live in your household. So, I’m starting this message today with a question for our reflection — if you’ve had an authentic worship experience over the last 6 months, what made it feel like worship to you? Send me your answers.

On Wednesday night, we gathered on the back parking lot to sing praises and recalibrate our compasses together. It was a great kick-off to Wednesday Night Worship for the month of September. Thanks to Wyatt and some of our youth for clean, pure voices to lead us in our singing. Thanks to Jonathon for a devotion asking us, “If you think God has left us alone in our panic, where are you looking?” After worship, everyone broke out for some small group time — kids, youth, adults. My circle enjoyed some time to catch up and ask, “How can I pray for you?” We were honest with each other…this is a really, really hard time. Everything is hard. Everything is complicated. Crises still occur, but dealing with them is so much harder now. And, even without crises, sometimes the day-to-day feels like more than we can do. Together, our honesty allowed our prayers to be directed toward the places where we most need God’s grace. I want to encourage you to join us for the remaining four Wednesdays in September, 6:30-7:30 pm. Bring your chair, your mask, and a heart longing for worship.

Last Sunday, we welcomed you back into our sanctuary for the first time since mid-March. We asked everyone who was coming to save a seat — just to make sure we kept our capacity low enough for adequate social distancing. We will continue this practice for at least several more weeks. If you want to join us for worship in the sanctuary, click here to save your seat. Last Sunday, we had 77 reservations and 71 in person attenders. We know we can safely seat 80 people, as singles socially distanced. So, it felt safe. Everyone complied with the mask requirement. Everyone was good about checking in so we have an accurate attendance record for contact tracing purposes. And, everyone was really good about social distancing. After worship was over, we did have a hard time staying distanced. We probably hung around the foyer too long for visits when those should’ve been happening outside. All in all, it felt great to be back in the sanctuary. It felt like we are providing as safe an environment as we possibly can during a pandemic while still allowing for an authentic experience of worship. Those who joined us on the livestream said it felt authentic to them too.

This Sunday, we’ll have Communion together — another big milestone. Friends, Communion is so important for our life together as the Body of Christ. While it might be routine for many of us, even rote, what happens as we ask God to pour out the Holy Spirit upon us gathered in the name of Jesus…and upon the elements we bring to share together…that is holy. As it is called in our Book of Worship, “a holy mystery.” Trying to offer this experience safely and authentically is a huge challenge, but one worth taking. So, this Sunday, we ask those of you at home to have your Communion elements prepared. In the sanctuary, we’ll have staff teams creating single-serve portions of bread & juice during worship. We’ll also have pre-packaged, sealed containers with a gluten free wafter and juice. These will be placed on two tables and during the Communion hymn we’ll ask you to choose the right elements for you then take them back to your seats. When the hymn is concluded, we’ll all receive together with the words of blessing, “The body of Christ, broken for you…The blood of Christ, shed for you.”

This week, four sections of Disciple Bible Study are launching online. I am really excited about being able to offer this 24-week journey through the scriptures in a safe way. Thanks to those who stepped forward to lead with me: Nikki Frasier, Eric Polak, Dan Wilson. Thanks to everyone who signed up and will be joining your classes over Zoom. It is going to be a great year of bible study. The video component of these classes has always been on DVD which simply doesn’t work when you’re not in the same location to watch the DVD together. In response, our church has picked up a subscription to a video-streaming service called Amplify. It is like Netflix for church. There is so much amazing content available…all the videos from Cokesbury curriculum, special access to Great Courses, even daily devotionals from leaders in our denomination. Of course, the videos for Disciple Bible Study are accessible through Amplify and that is how our classes will be viewing them. But…and here’s the cool part…you can have access to this streaming service as well at no cost to you. You have to set up an account and then you enter a six letter code, MGKDFH. Voila! You’re ready to go. You can browse the content by author, by topic. You can create a watchlist for easy access to things you want to see. You can even set up groups and view videos together for group discussion. Hannah helped me make a short video that gives you instruction so be sure and watch that — and then, sign up. If you want the directed website address she mentions in the video, here it is: https://my.amplifymedia.com/faithumctulsaok.

Finally, wanted to encourage you to give blood. Oklahoma Blood Institute will be onsite in the Great Hall on Sunday, Sept. 20. Access will be by appointment only, so please use this link to sign up and make your appointment. For those of you who feel safe being in our building and with the OBI staff, this is an important gift you can give. I really hope you’ll consider signing up to offer something that is really needed right now.

Wishing you God’s peace and grace this weekend,

Pastor Charla

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