Provide the Ride

Recently, I was visiting with Stacy Reaves, member of our congregation and student at Phillips Theological Seminary. Stacy has been approved by our congregation to seek ordination in the United Methodist Church. This year, she is enrolled in a unit of Clinical Pastoral Education, called C.P.E. This experience is similar to residency in medical school -- a supervised, hands on, learning experience. Stacy is serving as the chaplain intern at Restore Hope, one of our United Methodist outreach ministries. This is her C.P.E. placement as well as a field education experience in her ministry training.

Stacy and I were visiting about the folks she encounters in her work at Restore Hope. I would never want to break confidence so I will refrain from telling you particular experiences or stories. But, I can tell you that the reality of those seeking assistance is vastly different from mine. The barriers to meeting basic needs exceeds what I can imagine. With the eviction moratorium lifted, those barriers have dramatically increased.

Our congregation supports Restore Hope, making specific investments in their rental assistance program. We also support families under the auspices of DHS supervision through Care Portal. Recently, we asked you to support our “Provide the Ride” fundraising drive to purchase bus passes. Each pass provides unlimited rides for a month for one person. In order to use Tulsa Transit services, each person must pay the fare. For a family with several members, this can be cost prohibitive. Such a simple source of access is one we often take for granted. Most of us jump in the car and take our families wherever we need to go. Other than bemoaning the rising cost of fuel, we aren’t prevented from a doctor’s appointment or a trip to the grocery store.

It is not too late to donate toward the cost of a bus pass -- a month of rides. You can make a contribution to Faith UMC and put Provide the Ride in the memo or designation line. The cost of a monthly pass is $45. Faith, this is a simple act of compassion.

For those who serve on our behalf, Kay Leslie (Care Portal Coordinator) and Stacy Reaves, let us give thanks. Stacy mentioned that many of the families she encounters are blessed by someone who “sees” them and acknowledges that their needs are real, whether or not those needs can be met that day or not. In the name of Christ, let us offer what we can to support those most in need.

I also want to offer my thanks to Wayne Tate and Bryan & Katy Beck, our recent additions to the safety team. These folks spend an entire Sunday morning (once-a-month) keeping an eye out, making sure we are safe when we are in the building together. I really appreciate our new recruits saying yes to the ask extended to them recently.

Finally, a big shout out to Jonathon Garrett. Since we’ve hired Mark Fowler as Youth Director, Jonathon has been able to devote more of his energy and focus toward our graphic design and communication efforts. I hope you find the newsletter a blessing. We couldn’t have done that without Jonathon’s creative direction. Over the last six years, Jonathon has offered his presence, support and leadership to our youth and their families. We’ll be celebrating the tremendous contributions Jonathon has made on Sept. 22. The in-person celebration will be limited to parents and students in our youth ministry. But, we’d love for you to bless Jonathon with a written note of thanks. Please send your notes to the church office this coming week.

Faith, we are so blessed by the Christ-centered servants in our midst. This month, we celebrated Dave Lucie and Melanie Stewart in the newsletter. We also celebrate Stacy Reaves, Kay Leslie and Jonathon Garrett in this blog. This is our identity. This is our motivation. I am praying for you, Faith, that God will provide just the right opportunity for you to put the towel over your arm and serve. Don’t forget that OBI will be with us on Sunday. You can give the gift of life (blood donation) this weekend. Follow this link to sign up for an appointment.

May the peace of Christ be yours,

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