Confirmation Sunday

Happy Earth Day friends,

On this second weekend of the Easter season, we rejoice in Confirmation and the seven students who are joining the church on Sunday. I have enjoyed meeting with each of the students and getting to know them as they made their decision. We have been blessed by the faithful leadership of their confirmation teachers and mentors for the last nine months. I have invited the students to help lead at both services with a blessing for them at 9:00 am and the actual ritual of membership at 11:00 am. Isn’t it wonderful to be in a congregation that does this mentoring of new members so well?

We are calling these first three weeks after Easter Milestones because each Sunday we will be doing something special to honor the lives of our children and youth. This week is Confirmation. On May 1st we will be presenting our new 3rd graders with a Bible as a gift from our congregation. On May 8th, we will honoring our Seniors as they transition to the next stage of their lives. If you have a Senior in high school, please email Mark Fowler at to participate. If you have a graduating Senior from college, please email with their name, college and a photo.

Next Friday I will be resuming Hiking with Heather at Turkey mountain and invite any of you who would like to soak up the Holy with me on the trails. We will meet in the south parking lot at 7:30 am. Wear comfortable shoes and expect to hike 3-4 miles. I begin our time together with a scripture, prayer and ten minutes of silence as we hit the trails. After that we just visit as we walk. The weather should be perfect, but if it is raining we will not hike.

The other new, but also old, thing that we will be resuming is “Dinner for 8” or “Food & Friends” . Many in our congregation have expressed a desire to be in fellowship again. This program invites adults who would like to gather with others to share a meal together once a month. Brittney Blakley is coordinating this and a sign up will be available soon, along with more information.

I received a letter from our Bishop regarding some “misinformation” about the current debate in the UMC that he has asked me to share with you. If you would like to read it, click here. Bishop Nunn is responding to the heightened sense of anxiety after the delay of General Conference. Apparently, there have been some pastors and laity calling meetings to encourage their churches to leave the denomination. I want you to know that right now Faith’s leadership and myself have decided to continue doing ministry and living out our values as a congregation. When the debate in the denomination settles, it is our plan to see what the options are and make a decision then. Waiting is hard. Having no control is hard. But the Bishop reminds us that there is still plenty of ministry to be done regardless of the uncertainty around the denomination. If you would like to meet with me or have questions about what is happening, please call the church office and schedule an appointment. I would be happy to meet with you.

Lastly, we have had so many guests over the Lenten season that we have scheduled a Faith Welcome for May 1st at noon. We provide lunch and have staff available to answer questions from our guests. We even offer a tour of the building for anyone who would like to take it. If you would like to join us, sign up here.

I can’t wait to see you on Sunday!

Faith Tulsa